Investigation of Optimum Cropping Pattern Proportional to Allocable Water and Balancing Aquifer (Case Study of Qom-Kahak Study Area)
Subject Areas : Farm water management with the aim of improving irrigation management indicators
Saeed Emamifar
Farshad Mohammadian
Reza Mohammadi Ahmad Abadi
Mojtaba Ali-Madadi
1 - PhD in Irrigation and Drainage and Researcher, Qom, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Sayed Jamaleddin Asadabadi University, Qom, Iran.
3 - Head of the Underground Water Resources Protection Group In the regional water company of Qom province, Qom, Iran.
4 - M.Sc., Vice conservation and utilization in the regional water company of Qom province, Qom, Iran.
Keywords: Fuzzy Goal programming, Allocable Water, Climate Change, Optimal cropping pattern, Aquifer,
Abstract :
The high share of agricultural water consumption compared to other sectors and the serious crisis of dehydration in recent years reform and offer optimal crop pattern that reduces water consumption and increases the efficiency of its use, the requirements of most forbiddens and critical plains of the country. The purpose of this study was to provide optimal cropping pattern in relation to Allocable Water agriculture communicated by the Ministry of Energy and the long-term cumulative accumulation deficit of aquifers and the emphasis on agricultural sustainability indicators in the twenty-year planning horizon, Qom-Kahak study area. To simulate rainfall component behavior, outcomes of A2 scenario for the HADCM3 climatic model were used and using the continuity equation balance,the volume of water allocated to the crop sector was estimated each year. Then, using fuzzy utopian planning models, sustainable agriculture patterns were presented within the framework of technical constraints. The results showed that the implementation of the proposed agronomic models will in addition to offset the deficit of 536 million cubic meters and aquifer balance in the study area over the planning horizon, It will increase labor force and physical productivity of water, fertilizers and pesticides consumption will increase by 10.7%, 106%, 4.1% and 8.8% respectively, and water resources, fertilizers and chemicals consumption will reduce by 48.2%, 3.9%, 8 respectively.. Therefore, it is suggested to regional authorities to prioritize the implementation of proposed agro-projects, which requires the development of legal requirements, incentive and punitive policies, and conducting training and extension courses.
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