Evaluating the potential of groundwater resources using a combination of data mining methods:(Case study: Hormozgan province, Sarkhon plain)
Subject Areas : Farm water management with the aim of improving irrigation management indicatorsfateme riahi 1 * , hasan vagharfard 2 , peyman daneshkar araste 3 , hamid kardan moghadam 4
1 - PhD student in Watershed Management -Water; Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources; Hormozgan University
2 - Associate Professor of Range and Watershed Management Group; Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources; Hormozgan University
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Water Science and Engineering; Imam Khomeini International University of Qazvin
4 - Assistant Professor, Water Research Institute of the Ministry of Energy, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Groundwater simulation, Random forest method, GAM method, GLM method,
Abstract :
The porpose of this study is the ground water potential mapping.using four methods, stochastic forest, GLM, Domain, and GAM. in addition, four methods for combining these methods for potential mapping were also evaluated. for this purpose, eleven criteria include the slope , profile curvature ,(Topographic Curvature), total curvature, index (spi), index (spi), index (twi), land use, soil and demographic elevation model were used according to the experience of experts and researchers. in order to validate the 76 of wells with high discharge were, it has been used for simulation (70 %) and validation (30%) before modeling the linear test on the criteria, there is no linear relationship between variables. according to, the results of the evaluation using the ROC curve showed that all four used methods have excellent accuracy and AUC over 90%. then, the results of four methods were combined with mean averaging method. The final potential showed that 32.89% of the lands have good potential for exploiting groundwater resources.The results of the importance factors also showed that the slope, height, and power index were the most important factors. The results of this research can serve as information bases for planners and local authorities to evaluate, plan, manage, sustainably use and synthesize groundwater resources in the future.
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