Evaluating the Efficiency of Earth2Observe Re-Analysis Dataset and VIC-3L for Estimation of Runoff
Subject Areas : Farm water management with the aim of improving irrigation management indicators
Sakine Koohi
Asghar Azizian
Luca Brocca
1 - Water Engineering Dept, IKIU University
2 - Assistance Professor at IKIU university, Water Engineering Dept
3 - Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection IRPI, Perugia, Italy
Keywords: Hydrological models, VIC-3L, Runoff, land surface models, Earth2Observe Dataset,
Abstract :
The main objective of this study is to assess the performance of Earth2Observe's GHMs and LSMs reanalysis models in estimating runoff at the outlet of Sefidrood river basin (SRB). In addition, for better evaluating the efficiency of Earth2Observe uncalibrated models, the VIC-3L land surface model is implemented over the SRB and calibrated using observed discharges. Results showed that, based on CC and NS statistics, the performance of SURFEX-TRIP model in both daily and monthly time scales is the best one and it led to the same results as well as VIC-3L calibrated model. The values of CC and NS statistics, at daily time scale, in the case of SURFEX-TRIP model are 0.75 and 0.55, respectively, while at the monthly time scale these values are 0.86 and 0.73, respectively. As an overall, findings indicate that LSMs performs better than GHMs in simulating runoff and this may be due to the ability of LSMs in considering both water and energy budgets and they can exchange energy and mass between land surface and atmosphere. Therefore it is highly recommended to use the results of reanalysis models as an appropriate guidance, particularly in the case of ungauged catchments.
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