An Investigation of the Rate of Loss caused by Nosematose in the Production of Honey bee in the Beekeeping Regions of Noshahr and Chalus and prevention procedures
Subject Areas : Journal of Large Animal Clinical Science Research(JLACSR)
Keywords: Apis meliffera, Nosematose, Fumagillin, Fumidil B,
Abstract :
Nosema apis (Zander) is a microsporidian, it is a small, single celled parasite affecting honey bees. Nosema apis has spread word-wide but is not considered an important problem in tropical and sub-tropical climates. This study used 36 colony bee populations and the impact of Nosema disease on colonies in highland and low regions with regards to use of medicine and climate were studied. A brief summary of this study is: The chemical prevention against Nosematose resulted in the increase in the production of honey bee up to 18 percent in each population. Making the bees migrate leads to an increase in honey production up to 33 percent though resulting in some loss which is somewhat natural. The cold and dry weather conditions at the heights of the regions under investigation and a long period of time in producing the nectar compared with the low regions (with moderate weather and high moisture) leads to a higher amount of production (up to 60 percent). The existing difference in the production honey in the groups must be due to the genetic differences (different fathers) among workers in collection the nectar. Completely ignore the impact of drug Fumagillin Nosematose can become resistant to the Nosematose enough against the effects of this drug and long knew it, that comment reliable in this regard is the need for separate research.
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