• Abbassi.Khayyam City and novel: A sociological study on the formation of Persian novel in the urban space of Iran [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1401]
  • almodaresi.seied ali Investigating and prioritizing the components of participatory planning with a sustainable development approach in Shahinshahr [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Spring Year 1401]
  • amin.maryam An Analysis of the relationship between social capital and its components to suicide attempts (case of study: Ilam city) [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • amiriraz.raziyeh A Study of the Relationship between slum-dwelling and Social Gaps in Tehran Metropolis (Case of Study: Khatunabad and Hesar Amir) [ Vol.12, Issue 42 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Ashayeri.Taha An Analysis of the relationship between social capital and its components to suicide attempts (case of study: Ilam city) [ Vol.12, Issue 44 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Azizkhani.Eghbaleh A Data-Based Analysis of Lifestyle Consumption of Married couples in Ardabil and Parsabad on the basid of Their Media Communication Experience [ Vol.12, Issue 43 - Summer Year 1401]