.Sociological analysis of the effects of tourism industry on Qazvin Urban Development
Subject Areas : Urban Sociological Studiesmaryam mafi 1 , Mostafa Azkia 2 * , Gholamreza Latifi 3
1 - .ph.D. candidate, Department of Sociology, Tehran Central Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - .professor, Department of sociology, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran, corresponding author
3 - .Associate professor, Department of Urban planning, Alameh Tabatabaee University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: SWOT, Tourism Industry, Qazvin, Urban Development, Sociological analysis,
Abstract :
.The decision-making and policy-making of managers and urban planners towards sustainable urban development is one of the most important policies for sustainable urban tourism.The aim of this study is to sociologically analyze the effects of the tourism industry on the urban development of the city of Qazvin. The research method is descriptive and analytical and the theoretical framework consists of sustainable tourism development and good governance .Using multivariate regression statistics and the S.W.O.T. technique, data were collected from 140 Nowruz tourists and 120 managers of hotels, accommodating centers, etc. The research tool had face validity and its reliability coefficient was 0.70. The results showed that the highest effective average in terms of stakeholders in the dimension of strengths included People's agreement with the development of tourism (4.83), life satisfaction in the city (4.09) , increase in tourism revenue ( 3.80). In terms of opportunities, the results pointed to Potentials for and variety of jobs in the city (4.64) , historical attractions (4.23) and active presence of women in tourism jobs (4). Weakness included lack of access and quality of accommodating centers (3.8) and (3.5), respectively, inadequate facilities needed by tourists (3.45) . Threats consisted of lack of coherent tourism planning in the city (3.63), lack of tourism investment in the city (3.58), change of use of Qazvin traditional garden (2.79). In the views of tourists, the highest effective average in terms of strengths included diversity of tourism landscapes (4.08), sense of security (4.05), climate cleanliness (4.04). Opportunities included multiple potentials (4.28), recommendations of friends (4.20), motivation to visit again (4.14). Weakness consisted of Inadequate quality of accommodation centers (3.20), crowdedness of historical places (3.16), lack of access to information (3.19). Threats included lack of proper use of resources (3.03), incoherence of tourism management (3), lack of tourism investment (2.58). Therefore, empowering the government through social and cultural initiatives in tourism with a focus on cultural and creative industries is recommended.
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