Presenting a paradigm model of poverty and its sociological explanations in deprived areas of Khuzestan province (case of study: Hamidiyeh and Indika cities)
Subject Areas : Urban Sociological Studies
Masoumeh Bagheri
Ali Budaghi
Sajad Bahmani
Marzieh Shahriari
1 - Associate Professor of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran (Corresponding author).
4 - Assistant Professor of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: Grounded Theory, Urban poverty, Andika and Hamidiyeh cities, deprivation of opportunities, socialalienation,
Abstract :
The data of this study were collected and analyzed through in-depth interviews and purposive-theoretical samplingThis qualitative study was conducted with the aim of presenting a paradigm model of poverty and its sociological explanation in the deprived cities of Andika and Hamidiyeh in Khuzestan province. Gronded theory and purposive sampling method were used and the number of participants was 40. After coding, nineteen main categories emerged. The dimension of conditions included the challenge of financing through public and private sector funding, weak work ethics and skills training among young people (government-oriented mentality), disregard for meritocracy in city management, lack of special support for deprived regions of the province, lack of self-confidence in young people as a result of deprivation (psychological acceptance of the culture of poverty), unfair distribution of opportunities due to corruption, dissatisfaction with government support and liquidity problems in starting small, home and high-yield enterprises, weak social capital of young people of urban areas. The action-interaction dimension included employment; skills training with an entrepreneurial perspective, creation and strengthening of industrial towns, allocation of national and special funds, meritocracy and selection of specialized, jihadi and effective managers, community-based capacities, support for elimination Poverty. The dimension of consequences included sectarian and ethnic conflicts and tensions as a factor in intensifying the cycle of poverty, powerlessness and social alienation, reduction of quality of household goods and food price inflation (erosion of people's purchasing power index), feeling of social despair, erosion of social trust (social harms) that revolves around a core category called "poverty." that are formed in connection with the deprivation of opportunities in the countryside and slum areas.
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