An analysis of the relationship between urban rights and the formation of of the psychological capital of positivism (case study: Qaen city/ South Khorasan province)
Subject Areas : Urban Sociological Studies
Morteza Keshavarzi Valdani
1 - Assistant Professor of Fiqh and Islamic Law Department, Bozormehr Qaenat University, Qaen, Iran.
Keywords: Keywords: Citizenship, Urban rights, Psychological capital of positivism, Qaen.,
Abstract :
Nowadays, citizenship has become an essential status for the political and social life of societies and urban rights, as a set of rights and privileges of citizens, which are the responsibility of the government and city management, play a central role in the realization of citizenship and the flourishing of citizens' talents, abilities, beliefs and attitudes. Considering the importance and role of urban rights in the realization of citizenship and improving the ability, attitude and competence of citizens, the purpose of this research is to investigate the role and influence of urban rights on the formation of the psychological capital of positivism in Qaen city. The research method in the present study is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical and correlational nature, in order to analyze the data, were used numerical mean and Pearson's test in SPSS software. The statistical population of the research also includes the citizens of Qaen (19 to 65 years old), which was determined as a sample size of 384 people based on Cochran's method and access to them is based on a simple random pattern. Also, validity and reliability of variables have been confirmed based on documentary studies and interviews with university professors. The findings of the research show that in the four dimensions of urban rights, i.e. social, political, civil and cultural rights, only the dimension of political rights and among the dimensions of psychological capital of positivity, i.e. self-efficacy, hope, optimism and resilience, only the dimension of self-efficacy has a favorable situation in Qaen city. Also, the results show that there is a significant relationship between the urban rights variables and the psychological capital of positivism at the 95% confidence level and with the Pearson coefficient of 0.694. Among the aspects of urban rights, social rights and civil rights have had the greatest effect on the formation of psychological capital of positivism.
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