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        1 - The role of social capital in social crisis management Iranian metropolis (Case study in Rasht city)
        حمیده رشادت جو علی اکبر رضایی میرنوید میرحق جو
        ntroduction: In this study of six major components of social capitalinclude social trust, social participation, social protection, socialsolidarity, sense of security, life value, and for social crisis managementof the variable, prevention, preparedness, response and re More
        ntroduction: In this study of six major components of social capitalinclude social trust, social participation, social protection, socialsolidarity, sense of security, life value, and for social crisis managementof the variable, prevention, preparedness, response and reconstructionwas used.Method: This research, of objective standpoint, practical and methodstandpoint is the correlation description to determine the correlationbetween citizens' social capital and social crisis management and ofRasht metropolis offers. Statistical society of men and women is 20 to60 years in Rasht. Each of the indices was assessed using aquestionnaire developed. Information collected after the initialclassification using the software SPSS, descriptive and inferentialstatistics were analyzed. Test to determine the relationship between thevariables of to examine K-square and the relationship score of the indextau - b Kendall, as well as interactions between variables resarch andvariables personal detaile way analysis of mutual variance was used.Results: The analysts suggest the results of the research questions andhypotheses were between the social crisis management and socialcapital of Rasht metropolis there is a significant relationship whateverthe level of citizens' social capital as more will be added and socialcrisis management as well as more will be added. Therefore, in order toreduce the costs of economic, social, cultural, social crisis, metropolisin Iran The results of this research is to be cited and used in all levels ofurban management. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Participation of Tehran citizens in the activities domain of municipality (Case study: citizens of region 4)
        جمال عبداله پور حسن مختارپور رجبعلی مختارپور
        Today, most experts believe that the focused urbanmanagement experience is failed and it is impossible without citizenparticipation. So the attraction of citizen's participation is the mainconcerns of the urban new management. Tehran Municipality the oneof the major ins More
        Today, most experts believe that the focused urbanmanagement experience is failed and it is impossible without citizenparticipation. So the attraction of citizen's participation is the mainconcerns of the urban new management. Tehran Municipality the oneof the major institutions of urban management has adopted the socialapproach in order to attract the participation of citizens and has takenthe basic steps. The purpose of the present article is to explore thestatus of Tehran citizens' participation in doing activities ofmunicipality (case study region 4).Method: The survey method based on questionnaire was used toexamine this subject. The statistical data analysis techniques such asmean, Pearson correlation and multivariate analysis methods were usedto analyse data.Results: The research results indicate a low level of citizensparticipation that its changes will be explained with factors such asgender, education, knowledge and information on urban management,expected rewards of participation, association membership, experienceand interest in and desire to live in neighborhoods.Conclusion: Municipality can enhance citizen's participation andattract it in doing its activities with different measures based on resultsof this study . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Urban Infill development (Case study: Boroujerd City)
        طاهر پریزادی احمد زنگانه مریم ابراهیم پور
        by increasing urbanity in Iran and increasing urbanareas, trend of urban development is unstable. This article has beenstudied the problems and potential in Boroujerd and extracting thepurposes of planning, implementation strategies and policies forefficient use of spac More
        by increasing urbanity in Iran and increasing urbanareas, trend of urban development is unstable. This article has beenstudied the problems and potential in Boroujerd and extracting thepurposes of planning, implementation strategies and policies forefficient use of space, then has been presented facilities that they areproportional with economic - Social, cultural conditions of Boroujerd .Method: the kind of this research is “Expanded – Applied" and theresearch method is “descriptive – analytical”. Data collection method is"Survey - the library”, AIDA Techniques has been used in research, thespace of this research is Boroujerd city and the community of thisresearch is citizens and urban planners.Findings: According to findings of study the cause of uncontrolledexpansion of Boroujerd are, planning policies in development plans andneed of housing supply as human factors , geographic space withrugged topography as natural reasons. In addition, weakness of urbanmanagement and weakness of urban infrastructure are most importantproblems of this city. Researcher according to environmental –economic - social and cultural conditions of citizens, have beenproposed infill development by providing operational projects.Results: Western cities in the country due to locating in topographicalconditions have been faced with this problem (sprawl growth). Thisproblem In terms of physical led to increased costs on infrastructure, onthe other hands it will be the Destruction of agricultural lands and urbangardens. This study has been conducted by presenting operationalstrategies development in Boroujerd city . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Influence of Urban Management on Improving Children’s Social Skill (A Case Study: Toy Houses of Tehran)
        سید جمال الدین طبیبی ربابه نوری قاسم آبادی فاطمه مرادی
        Launching the toy houses over the city of Tehran is one of thebasic efforts of urban management. The purpose of establishment of toyhouses is training the different social and individual skills through play and toythus, evaluating the effectiveness of these centers is s More
        Launching the toy houses over the city of Tehran is one of thebasic efforts of urban management. The purpose of establishment of toyhouses is training the different social and individual skills through play and toythus, evaluating the effectiveness of these centers is significantlyimportant.This research aimed at studying the influence of toy house’sperformance on children’s social skill development over the 22 districts ofTehran.Methods: This research is a semi – empirical study (experimental group andcontrol group).Children who have used toy house’s services are experimentalgroup and those who have not used toy house’s services are control group.Statistical community in this study are children who call on toy houses inTehran (children 3 to 7 years old) and 500 children was selected as studysample and the obtained data was analyzed by the covariance analysis method.Result: Toy houses had a significant effect on the children’s social skilldevelopment. In relation to subsidiary hypothesis, toy houses have significantimpact on children’s verbal and nonverbal social relations. Also, about theimpact of toy houses regarding sex and age groups, the results indicate thatthere is no difference between the impact of toy houses services and theincrease of the social skill group by separation of boys and girls. Furthermore,the interaction between both sexes and the groups was found non- significantand thus the sex variable does not have the role of modifier. In relation to ageand the impact of toy house services on increase of the social relationdevelopment rate, there is no difference between 3-5 and 5-7 years old.However, the impact of age and group’s interaction is significant as a result;the variable of age has a modifier role.Conclusion: It can be expressed toy houses play an important effect on thechildren‘s social skills and essential projects like this will show itseffectiveness in the future. Paying attention to children and investing on thisbasic age group will be doubtlessly useful for the future of the city andcitizen’s physical and emotional health. For achieving more qualitative results,more longitudinal researches and pursuing children’s social development overtime is suggested. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Analysis of effective factors on regional development in Iran
        رضا لیلیان حمیدرضا رخشانی نسب رقیه رمضانزاده
        Unbalanced distribution of resources and economic,social services between regions has been led to special developmentplanning and create balance between regions. So this research has beendone the objective such as determine of level of provincesdevelopment, investigatin More
        Unbalanced distribution of resources and economic,social services between regions has been led to special developmentplanning and create balance between regions. So this research has beendone the objective such as determine of level of provincesdevelopment, investigating of development degree in deferent sectionsand prediction of effective factors in development of region .Method: the data has been collected from Last official census ofpopulation and housing in Iran at 1385. The method of research isDescriptive – analytic and has been used Statistical model such asFactor analysis, Multivariate regressionFindings: finding of research show that there isn’t balance betweenprovinces of Iran. south khorasan , Razavi Khorasan ,Mazandaran,Gilan ,Semnan ,Yazd ,Isfahan ,Qom,Tehran provinces are At thehighest level of development and 8 provinces such as : Chahar MahalBakhtiari , Kermanshah, Lorestan, Khuzestan, Kerman and NorthKhorasan has been located in second level and Markazi ,Bushehr,Hamadan, Fars, East Azerbaijan, Golestan, Ardabil, West Azerbaijan,Qazvin provinces has been located in third level and finally threeprovinces such as Ilam, Kurdistan and Sistan Baluchistan has locatedThe lowest level of development .Result: according to results of Multivariate regression for developingof Iran provinces should be used from Healthy, physical, cultural,educational, institutional and economic factors for provinces mentionedabove Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Investigation and analyzing Urban Network of Lorestan province
        پرهام بقایی حجت شیخی اسماعیل جعفری
        Macrocephaly phenomenon has been shown in lessdeveloped countries and the size of largest city in this countries is morethan 5 to 10 equal of size of population of second city . Aggregationadministrative – politic activities and commercial – social activitie More
        Macrocephaly phenomenon has been shown in lessdeveloped countries and the size of largest city in this countries is morethan 5 to 10 equal of size of population of second city . Aggregationadministrative – politic activities and commercial – social activities infirst city are deterrent of development in other cities in this countries.As a result, regional and national balance is destroyed. The purpose ofstudy is analysis of urban network in the metropolitan region ofLorestan.Research method: the methods of this study are combination ofquantitative - analytical methods and we have used The Rank- SizeRule, Rank - size adjusted, Entropy Index, Lorenz Curve, and GiniCoefficient.Finding: The results of this study show that urban network in themetropolitan region of Lorestan do not follow from Rank- Size Rule.The spatial balance is relatively good between population and numberof towns in metropolitan area. The distribution of urban population andurban area are semi – balanced. And finally at the macro level, first city(Khoram abad) have occurred macrocephaly phenomenon inmetropolitan region of Lorestan.Results: for preventing the formation of the first urban area we shouldavoid migration inter-provincial and, will strengthen the middle andsmall cities. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Using the natural environment of inside urban for protecting facilities and equipment urban by passive defense approach (case study: Boroujerd city)
        حمید رضا صارمی حسن حسینی امینی
        Boroujerd has been located in west of Iran. It have toovalleys and hills ،also it has hard slope. the hard slope has limitedhousing in this city .But we can use from them as protection of naturalland use and special urban equipment for example water , gas , oilsources a More
        Boroujerd has been located in west of Iran. It have toovalleys and hills ،also it has hard slope. the hard slope has limitedhousing in this city .But we can use from them as protection of naturalland use and special urban equipment for example water , gas , oilsources and city is kept from outdoor threat ( attack to jangle and etc )and indoor threat ( vandalism. (Method: this research is applied and the method research “descriptive –analytical."Findings : the purpose of study is ,identity of suitable site forestablishment of urban facilities with appropriate passive – defensemeasurements .So is used urban development plans and ,GIS, CAD andalso is used two model "Holdern & Shannon entropy " and has beenstudied sprawl growth in boroujerd.Results: this research represent defense strategies, also it present finalplan with determine specific points for locating facilities and equipmenturban by using principle of passive defense. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Technical and economic study for electricity and energy generation from urban waste for improving of Urban Waste Management (Case study: Robat karim)
        عبدالرحیم رحیمی مجید ثقفی سمیه شیرازی
        One of the main causes of soil and air pollution is UrbanWaste. Also, this type of waste can produces methane that can increaseamount of greenhouse gases. One of the way to decreasing theseproblems is Using organic waste for production energy and compost.Method: In this More
        One of the main causes of soil and air pollution is UrbanWaste. Also, this type of waste can produces methane that can increaseamount of greenhouse gases. One of the way to decreasing theseproblems is Using organic waste for production energy and compost.Method: In this research, Case Study research method used. Forgathering part of information, more than 100 questionnaires form hasbeen distributed. Also from the library information and the web site ofsome active company in the field of biogas production is used. Foreconomic assessment "Net Present Worth method" that is one of thereliable economic methods has been applied.Findings: In this paper has been focused to Technical and economicassessment for establishing a 600kw biogas power plant by using 73tone urban waste in Robat Karim region.This study is showed with 50billion Rial initial cost establishing a biogas power plant for produceelectricity, heat and compost is possible and during project priod willbe back all of initial and maintenance cost and in the end of age project,more than 30 billion Rials benefit can be obtained. Therefore, itsimplementation strongly recommendedConclusion: Although this research was done for ROBAT KARIMregion, but results show that establishing biogas power plant forproduction energy and compost in all regions with close ROBATKARIM characteristics, is economical. Therefore doing this kind ofprojects for urban waste management is recommended . Manuscript profile