Identify and examine the available capacities and potentials of the land focusing on infilling development (Case study: Sardasht city neighborhoods)
Subject Areas : Urban Management StudiesKeramatollah Zayyari 1 , Ahmad Pourahmad 2 , Rezgar Hamzehpour 3 *
1 - استاد
2 - استاد
3 - دانشجو
Keywords: Key words: Infill development, infill levels, Sardasht City, development potentials, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AH,
Abstract :
Following the rapid population growth and emergence new urbanization changes in the world, we have been witnessed the extension of urban development patterns such as horizontal expansion which has caused to form suburbs, to destroy agricultural lands and to forget intermediate textures and their depletion from inside. These matters makes it necessary using capacities and potentials of the inside of the town. Therefore the purpose of this paper is identify and examine capacities and potentials of infilling development in the neighborhoods of Sardasht. The kind of research is practical and its review method is descriptive-analytical. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and expert choice software were used to prioritize and validating standards and Geographic Information System (GIS) was used for layers production and processing. During this process 8 standards and effective indexes including population density, deserted and abandoned lands, brown lands, building quality, building floors, building age, military and cemetery applications were identified and applied. Finally by summing together of mass standards and sub standards, using mathematical operations attempted to create the final development map and their prioritizing. The final map indicates that the 3 and 8 neighborhoods which are placed in 1 and 2 priorities have the most infill development potential and 5 and 9 neighborhoods in the end of the priorities have the lowest capacity to develop from the inside(infill development).
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