Impact of Using Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques on Iraqi EFL Learners’ Anxiety and Speaking Proficiency
Subject Areas :Abdulrazzaq Hussabalah Ali Almasoudi 1 , Mehdi Sarkhosh 2 *
1 - Department of English, Urmia State University, Urmia, Iran
2 - Department of English, Urmia State University, Urmia, Iran
Keywords: Anxiety, Anxiety-Reduction Strategies, Mindfulness Techniques, Relaxation Exercises, Oral Proficiency,
Abstract :
The current study examined and contrasted the impact of mindfulness and relaxation techniques on the speaking proficiency and anxiety of Iraqi EFL students. A total of 120 male advanced EFL learners from four intact classes at Dilman International Language Institute in Erbil, Iraq, were selected and allocated to four experimental groups: mindfulness, relaxation, mindfulness plus relaxation, and a control group. The researcher employed the Cambridge Advanced English test for homogeneity, the Test of Spoken English (TSE) for assessing speaking proficiency, and the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) to measure anxiety levels. Prior to the intervention, participants completed an anxiety scale and a speaking pre-test, which involved uncomplicated semi-structured interviews designed according to TSE criteria. All groups were taught using the same curriculum, syllabus, classroom activities, texts, assignments, assessments, and final exams, with the researcher serving as the sole instructor to reduce variability. During the 30-minute treatment sessions, learners received complete explanations of mindfulness and relaxation techniques. The results indicated that both mindfulness and relaxation techniques positively impacted oral proficiency and reduced anxiety, with the combined approach yielding superior outcomes compared to the individual techniques.
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