EFL Translation Students' Perspective toward Using Bilingual Dictionary in Translation of Polysemous Words
Subject Areas : All areas of language and translation
Valeh Jalali
Neda Fatehi Rad
1 - Assistant Professor of TEFL, Department of English Language, Bardsir Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bardsir, Kerman, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of TEFL, Department of English Language, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: translation, polysemous words, Bilingual dictionary,
Abstract :
This research presented the use of bilingual dictionary and addressed the EFL translation students' points of view on the use of bilingual dictionary in translating polysemous words (English to Persian). Moreo- ver, it aimed at finding the possible relationship between the effect of using bilingual dictionary by stu- dents in translating polysemous words and their achieved scores. In the study 30 translation students of both genders were opted based on convenience sampling. Questionnaire and translation tests were two instruments which were employed in this study. At first, MA students were asked to translate 20 sen- tences including polysemous words by use of monolingual dictionary. After that, the second test with the same procedures were administered to the same students. However, they were allowed to use bilingual dictionary. Then, the questionnaires were distributed to them and the participants have filled them care- fully without any time limitation. At the end, all the data was gathered and analyzed. The results of this study indicated that the use of bilingual dictionary had a positive impact on the participants' performance in translating polysemous words, also they had positive perspective on the use of bilingual dictionary in translating polysemous words.
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