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    Technical Strategies in Water Systemsis a peer-reviewing, double-blind, Open access and electronic quarterly journal founded in 2022 by Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch (As the Publisher) for Persian audiences. This academic journal achieved the license of the Islamic Azad University and is open access for all readers. All submitted manuscripts must be original and shall not be under review or consideration in other sources and Manuscripts will be checked by Plagiarism engines before sending to the peer-reviewing process. Articles which are going to be published in quarterly after acceptance must benefit from English Abstract and Bibliography for online publishing.


    This journal follows the standards and guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), especially regarding misconduct, fraud, plagiarism, and how to  act in front of such a case: https://publicationethics.org/.

    To prevent plagiarism, this Journal uses the Hamyab system for identifying Persian articles

    Date of First Publication




    Peer Review Policy

    Double blind peer-reviewed


    Farsi with English Titles and Abstracts

    Access Policy 

    Fully Open Access

    Publication Type


    Licensed by

    CC BY 4.0

    Type of Articles

    Research, short communication & review article

    Number of reviewers per paper

    2 Reviewers

    First Action Time

    1 Week

    Review time

    3 Months

    Article Processing Charges


    Plagiarism screening

    Persian plagiarism Engine of Hamtajoo.