The Effect of Error Analysis on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners of L2 Adjective Knowledge
Subject Areas : Journal of Teaching English Language StudiesMahboobeh Joze Tajareh 1 * , Mohammadreza Khodareza 2
1 - Department of English language, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Tonekabon, IRAN.
2 - Department of English language, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Tonekabon, IRAN.
Keywords: Error analysis, EFL learners, L2 adjectives knowledge, Error Taxonomies,
Abstract :
The present study intended to investigate the effect of Error Analysis on Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ knowledge of L2 adjectives. The question of this study followed the fact that whether Error Analysis has any effects on intermediate EFL learners’ knowledge of L2 adjectives, In order to find the answer of this question, this article considered some issues about Error Analysis and their effect on L2 adjective knowledge. For this reason 60 intermediate EFL learners were selected by OPT test and were divided in two groups (a control group and an experimental group). Then the pretest of L2 adjectives knowledge was administered in both groups in order to find out about L2 adjectives ability. Then treatments were administered in both groups. Treatment in control group was the traditional way of teaching adjectives without attention to source of errors and in experimental group was teaching adjectives by using Error Analysis and considering the type and source of errors. After that the posttest was administered in both groups in order to find out the amount of progress between pretest and posttest. At the end, the data was analyzed by two ways, Independent sample t-test and One-way ANCOVAS. And the result of study showed that the null hypothesis of the study was rejected so the Error Analysis had positive effect on L2 adjective knowledge
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