Factors affecting of religion (A case study of married women living in Gorgan)
Subject Areas : Social Science Quarterly
غلامرضا خوش فر
محبوبه ایلواری
1 - استادیار گروه علوم اجتماعی و سیاسی دانشگاه گلستان
2 - کارشناس ارشد جامعهشناسی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی بابل و مدرس دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی بندرگز
Keywords: Women, religiosity, Gorgan, Social trust, socio-economic status, media consumption,
Abstract :
The present study was conducted to identify the affecting factors on religiusity. Since religion influences family relationships and with respect to the fact that one of the main goals of society, at present, is to strengthen the religious values in families. In this research, descriptive survey method has been used. The population included 144406 married women who live in the city of Gorgan. The sample size consisted of 360 married women who were determined by using Cochran formula. Multi-stage random sampling method was used for the study. For the first selection, 36 randomly selected neighborhoods were chosen, then in every process, in proportion to the number of settled households and using systematic random sampling, 10 married women were selected and studied the questionnaires of Lock Wallace religiosity was the tool of measurement in this study. To analyze the results, pearson correlationand path analysis were used in addition to the methods of descriptive statistics. The results showed that there is not a significant relationship between social trust, media consumption and religiusity.Whilethere is a significant relationship between age, education, duration of marriage, total children, socio-economic status andreligiosity. The results of path analysis indicated that the highest total greatly affectsmarried women̓s religiosity.Also in the present study women̓s religious differ significantly depending on whether they were born in cities or villages.
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