Study of attitude toward cesarean among pregnant women and socio-cultural and demographic factors related to that.
Subject Areas : Social Science Quarterlyمجید موحد 1 , صدیقه البرزی 2 , روح الله مظفری 3
1 - دانشیار بخش جامعه شناسی دانشگاه شیراز
2 - کارشناس ارشد جمعیت شناسی دانشگاه شیراز
3 - .
Keywords: Attitude, delivery, socio-cultural factors, Cesarean,
Abstract :
Introduction: Caesarean section can be performed while the crisis in the lives of mother and infant mortality and complications of non-compensatory, it is possible to save but the rate of cesarean more than the acceptable and it is reported that the indiscriminate increase in the world, including Iran and face. The role of attitude in health behaviors, this study are sought to examine attitudes toward cesarean section and its associated factors. Method & Materials: The study population of pregnant women living in Shiraz and sample size using the table 600 is Lin. A multi-stage stratified sampling is a stratified sampling method using a questionnaire to collect data with SPSS and regression techniques, multivariate regression and T-test paid to analyze the data. Results: The findings of this study, 12 percent of pregnant women with positive attitudes, 69 percent of the median and 19 of attitude also have negative attitudes toward cesarean. Inferential statistical findings suggest that the hypothesis about the relationship between age, family history of cesarean section, type of previous delivery, place masters care, , and awareness of cesarean delivery with attitude to cesarean section, approved .The multiple regression showed that type of previous delivery, place masters care and awareness of cesarean delivery were entered into the equation. Conclusion: According to research findings is essential to combating the uncontrolled and the optimal C-section view of women being addressed and the measures necessary to improve the attitude to be the natural delivery.
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