Investigating the role of the virtual world in shaping the new culture of communication and social identity People in Isfahan city
Subject Areas : Social Sciences QuarterlyZeynab Ebrahimi 1 , naser hejazi 2 * , mohammadali chitsaz 3
1 - Social dehaghan.Iran
2 - Faculty member
3 - Department of Sociology. Islamic Azad University- Dehaghan unit
Keywords: Keywords: Virtual world, new communication culture, social identity and social network,
Abstract :
Abstract:Internet and virtual world is one of the important communication tools that succeed to change the daily life of people and have unmatched role in creation the identity and new culture. Internet links the people of all over the world with cultures, identities and different life styles with a enormous society that there is not any wall (barrier). However, the aim of current study is investigation the dimensions of the role of virtual world in shaping new communication culture and social identity of people in Isfahan. The method of study is cross-sectional survey with two targets of describe and explanation. The statistical society contains of all men and women with more than 15 years in Isfahan and 384 of them were selected as our sample. Measuring tool for this study is a questionnaire that was made by researcher to testing the shaping of new communication culture, social identity and the usage level of virtual world. In order to analyzing the data it was used of descriptive statistics (average and standard deviation) and at the level of inferential statistics, confirmatory factor analysis and the method of structural equation modeling were used. The results showed that virtual world is effective on shaping new culture and social identity.