Sociological explanation of the relationship between the perception of corruption and social trust in society(Case study:citizens of AHVAZ)
Subject Areas : Social Sciences Quarterly
Eskandar Arami
ali hossein Hossein zade
Manoochehr kordzanganeh
1 - PhD Student Department of Sociology, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Shoushtar, iran
2 - Professor, Department of Sociology,Shushtar Branch ,Islamic Azad Univercity,Shushtar, Iran and Department of Sociology, Shahid Chamran university, ,Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran,
3 - Department of Sociology, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Shoushtar, iran
Keywords: Social trust, Ahvaz city, institutional trust, Administrative Corruption, : Perception,
Abstract :
This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the relationship between the perception of administrative corruption and social trust among the citizens of Ahvazan city. The research method is of a qualitative-quantitative combination, which is applied in the qualitative part of the data theory of the Foundation (Strauss, Corbin). The data required for the quantitative part have been collected from a statistical sample of 394 people using a survey method and a questionnaire tool. In the qualitative part, in order to deeply examine and understand the subject first, library studies and researches were used, as well as the researcher's lived experience. Then, a semi-structured interview was conducted from among the statistical community, which includes university professors and experts in the fields of sociology and public administration in ahvaz city, who were executive and scientific officials related to the subject, using the purposeful sampling method, 15 people were selected and conducted as a sample. The validity of the interviews in the qualitative part was based on the opinion of experts, and for the reliability of the intra-subject method and two coders, and in the quantitative part of the questionnaires, the Cronbach's alpha method was used, and for the relationships between the variables, confirmatory factor analysis was used in Lisrel software. The results of this research showed that there is a significant relationship between the perception of administrative corruption and social trust among Ahvaz citizens. The effect of the path coefficient between the variables in the standard estimation mode model is equal to 0.72 and the T coefficients in the significant mode model is equal to 5.79 and the T coefficients are greater than the value of 1.96. The perception of administrative corruption has the components of drivers, monitoring , social capital is accountability and transparency,