The relationship between the use of the media, public health and attitudes to the hijab and chastity among students of Tabriz
Subject Areas : Social Sciences Quarterlyparviz karimisani 1 * , elaheh kazempourdizaji 2
1 - Department of psychology, university Azad shabestar, shabestar, Iran
2 - Department of psychology, university Azad shabestar, shabestar, Iran
Keywords: public health, attitude toward the hijab, the use of the media,
Abstract :
The present study aims was to determine the relationship between the use of media, public health and attitudes toward the hijab and chastity. The statistical population of the study includes all girl students at grade of high school in the city Tabriz who were selected 350 students using cluster random sampling. This study is a correlation study. In order to measure the variables of interest were used attitudes toward the hijab, Keyes social health, and self-made questions researcher questionnaires related to the use of media. For data analysis was used Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression. The result of the study showed that1) the use of the media does not have a meaningful effect on strengthening of cultural values hijab and chastity. 2) Public health has a meaningful effect on strengthening of culture values hijab and chastity. The correlation coefficient between public health and attitudes toward the hijab was 35/0 and Level of significance has been 99 percent. Results of regression analysis showed that the use of media predicts 2/0 percent of the Variance of attitudes toward the hijab, but the use of media, public health jointly explains 1/12 percent of the Variance of attitudes toward the hijab.