Vertical mobility chance in make selection for man and woman. a comparative study
Subject Areas : Social Sciences Quarterlymaryam fakhri 1 , bagher sarukhani 2 * , mohamadsadegh mahdavi 3
1 - Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Humanities, Azad University, Science and Research Branch
2 - University faculty
3 - faculty
Keywords: marriage, Family, social mobility, traditional values, Vertical,
Abstract :
The purpose of this article is to review the social mobility of the marriage window. For this purpose, the researcher has referred to married living in Tehran to study the case and collect and collect information.Using Cronbach's alpha, 380 cases were sampled and the received questionnaires were analyzed. The theoretical framework used in this article is Bourdieu's "field" view.In this way, marital field is one of the most effective social fields in which the male and female stratum can be studied in social mobility through its superior positions and its family, based on the opportunities available.In the marital field, the choice of a spouse to gain access to acquired privileges and even privileges attributed to him from the economic and social base of the family, which can be regarded as a social and economic ladder, is different from that of men and women.In the community of people on the marriage field, for the sake of status and dignity, it uses gender and gender is not a neutral phenomenon. It can be said that men and women play a significant role in society as a dual agency of inequality. In this paper, we will refer to the importance of this issue on the basis of the findings of the study.