Structural relationships of organizational performance, the first area of early maladaptive schemas Social Isolation/Alienation, role of mediator coping styles and organizational silence in society city maneger
Subject Areas : Social Sciences Quarterly
mahbobeh mirbagheri
nader منیرپور
majid zargamhajebi
1 - student
2 - departeman psychology
3 - departman psychology
Keywords: Organizational silence, Organizational Performance, Avoidance, Extreme Compensation, Incompatible Scheme,
Abstract :
The aim of the present study is to study the structural relationships of organizational performance and early maladaptive schemas, organizational silence, and avoidance coping strategies in Tehran Municipality managers. The research design is descriptive correlational. The statistical population of this study is all managers of Tehran Municipality, who were working in 2019 in the municipality. The sample size was 302 individuals, selected as multi-stage cluster sampling. Short initial maladaptive schema questionnaires for Yang Form (SQ-SF), Hershey and Goldsmith Organizational Performance (2003), Wendin et al. (2003), Organizational Silence Questionnaires, and Yang Avoidance Scale were used and distributed. In addition, the library method has been used in this research and data collection in this section has been done by taking notes from Internet and library resources. The collected data were then analyzed using correlation tests and structural equation modeling tests, called SPSS version 22, and Lisrel version 8.80. The research hypothesis model was evaluated using the fitness index, and showed that the hypothetical model fits the measurement model (RMSEA = 0.68, CFI = 0.96, IFI = 0.093). The results showed that early maladaptive schemas indirectly have an impact on organizational performance through organizational silence. The results also showed that avoidance is directly related to early maladaptive schemas. Based on the research findings it can be concluded that organizational silence plays a mediating role in the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and organizational performance. Therefore, it can be said that organizational performance has a complex concept, and in order to strengthen and improve it, more intermediary variables should be considered.