Comparison of performance of smart and non smart female schools on developing capability of knowledge generation in students
Subject Areas : Social Sciences Quarterlyfaranak namiriyan 1 , aliakbar seyf 2 * , hassan ahadi 3 , hadi bahrami 4
1 - Department of Educational Psychology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor of Islamic Azad University of Science and Research, Tehran, Iran
3 - Ph.D. in psychology, professor of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
4 - Ph.D. in psychology, professor of Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: knowledge, Learning, teaching, school,
Abstract :
The current research is aimed in performance comparison of smart and non smart female high schools on ground of development of knowledge production capability in third grade high school.The research method is ex post facto and performed for evaluation of function of these schools and research is applicable objectively. Statistic society includes third grade female high school district 8th of Tehran, which includes 10 public schools, 6 non public schools, one smart school with population of 1020 . 260 persons, were selected by stratified random sampling among smart and non smart schools. Capability of knowledge generation was measured by test made by researcher on basis of psychometrics principles. Analysis of data with use of t test was done to compare the two independent groups. The result indicated that a significant difference exists between the two groups and smart schools have had better performance in regard to development of knowledge production capability, and communication technology can mean process technology in human thoughts. In these schools, students can get in touch with world scientific sources acts and meet teachers and students from other schools and educational environment can act bilateral channel to gain knowledge instead of one way channel and by changing the role of teachers, effect the facilitation of teaching and learning trend, thereby students are creator of knowledge themselves.