Study of the role of mothers in the religious culture of adolescents in Tehran
Subject Areas : Social Sciences Quarterly
1 - Researcher at the University of Tehran Institute of Social Studies and Resear
Keywords: religious beliefs, Religious Values, Religious Knowledge, Religious Behaviors, Tehran Mothers,
Abstract :
Despite the importance of religious issues and religious culture for the individual and society, today, in some circles, the curbs of religious values and religious cultivability are appeased, and this lack of self-expression has become apparent in the form of indifference and neglect of religious beliefs and beliefs. . Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to issues such as the religious culture of citizens and the strengthening of their religious beliefs and beliefs in society. In this regard, the role of many factors can be studied, but the most prominent role can be found in the family, especially in mothers. Accordingly, this research was conducted with the aim of studying the role of mothers in the religious culture of adolescents in Tehran. The research sample consisted of 384 mothers of 24 to 50 years old in Tehran who were selected on a quotas basis in different regions of Tehran. The findings of the study showed that the role of mothers in increasing the tendencies and religious tendencies of offended children (0.78), improving the actions and religious behaviors of offended children (0.71), increasing adherence to religious rites and religious beliefs of offended children (0.66) , Promotion of religious values of poor children (0.62) and increase of religious knowledge of offended children (0.58) have been significant and significant.