Qualitative study of issues and problems of Tamarchin informal border crossing of Piranshahr and provide suitable solutions to improve its performance .
Subject Areas : Social Sciences Quarterlyfariba azizzadeh 1 * , nader jahani 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Piranshahr Branch (Urmia), Islamic Azad University, Piranshahr (Urmia), Iran
2 - Department of Management, Piranshahr Branch (Urmia), Islamic Azad University, Piranshahr (Urmia), Iran
Keywords: Qualitative study, Tamarchin informal border crossing, border trader,
Abstract :
Tamarchin informal border crossing of Piranshahr provide widespread opportunites for the residents of Piranshahr.The purpose of this article is surveying the obstacles , objections and problems of residents using of Tamarchin informal border crossing and offering suitable solutions to exit from these problems and also optimized using from this provided situation.This research is using a qualitative approach, in which 16 participants of the community of about 4,500 active informal cross border traders in Tamarchins informal Border Crossing have been selected in sequential , purposive and snow Ball Sampling .The data were required on the basis of semistructeured interview. The data were provided in interviews have been analysised on the basis of content analysis , grounded theory and (open , axil and selective )coding . The categories include : ( the importance of Tamarchin informal border crossing in the border traders situation , Piranshahr city and its border market and other nearby cities – the accountability and services of Piranshahrs authorities such as governor and border regiment – assessment of the method of assigning informal border trading certification by the Piranshahrs border regiment , the governor representative dealing with border traders , the border regiment staff dealing with border traders , the factors of increasing the number of border traders using from border crossing , the factors of decreasing the number of border traders using from border crossing , controlling goods entrance , controlling exit and entrance of border traders , possibility of reciving social security , possibility of having health insurance Card , legal problems in Tamarchin informal border crossing , physical problems