Prediction of tendency to addiction based on maladaptive schemas, attachment styles and parental patterns in women who use tobacco
Subject Areas : Social Sciences QuarterlySara Yavarimahboob 1 * , Marjan Rabei 2
1 - Department of General Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Master of General Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: attachment styles, early maladaptive schemas, Addiction tendency, parental patterns,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to predict addiction tendency based on early maladaptive schemas, attachment styles and parental patterns in women who use tobacco. For this purpose, 130 women smokers (smokers and hookahs) living in west of Tehran were selected by available sampling method. In order to measure variables, the Ahwaz addiction tendency (Zarger et al.) Questionnaire was used to measure the addiction tendency variable, Yang-Short Form Short Scale (YSQ-SF) Questionnaire to measure the variables of early maladaptive schemas, adult attachment style questionnaire Collins and Reid were used to measure the variables of attachment styles and the parental model questionnaire was used to measure this variable. After completing the questionnaires by the subjects, SPSS-21 software was used to analyze the statistical data in two descriptive and inferential levels. Inferential statistical results showed that the variables of the early maladaptive schemas with defective / shame schemata (β = 286/0), dependency / incompetence (β = 0/208), obedience (β = 0.242) and sacrifice (262 / 0 = β) can predict the tendency to addiction. Also, the variable of attachment style with avoidant style with positive and significant relationship (β = 0.244) and parenting model variables with logical authoritative model with negative and significant relationship (β = -0.444) can be related to addiction tendency in women who consume Tobacco Forecast. The tendency to addiction in tobacco use women is predictable based on early maladaptive schemas, attachment style and parenting pattern. Therefore, it is necessary for researchers, researchers and therapists to focus on reducing the trend towards addiction or leaving people with substance abuse to these variables.