pathology of women in the seasonal family
Subject Areas : Social Sciences QuarterlyBagher Sarokhani 1 * , Pegah Moshayedi 2 , Mohamad sadegh Mahdavi 3
1 - Professor of Sociology. Faculty of Humanities. Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Ph.D. Student, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Professor of Sociology Department. Faculty of Social Sciences. Tehran University of Science and Research, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: lifestyle, social pathology, seafarer, seasonal families,
Abstract :
History of Sociological Study of “seasonal families ” , is not so long and due to the novelty of introduction of seasonal families, not much of scientific works can be found in this regard. Seafarer’s wives spend more than half of their married life in absence of their husbands. These women play roles beyond the roles of just mother and wife during their married life in seasonal families. This study considering woman’s conventional roles in family mother and wife evaluate social pathology of women in this kind of families.Theoretical frame work of this study basis on J.Gaspar Houmenz and Emil Dorkame as well as Talkout Parsounz and Bourdiou(in asami bayad as rooye matnhaye asli be English neveshte shaved).To shape the social pathology of seafarer’s wife operationally and to determine dimensions of life style of seasonal families factors considered in likret Studies (by author) on Seafarer’s wives and seasonal families carried out from April 2010 to December 2010 and continued from January 2017 till September 2017 among “NITC” Seafarers with higher education (officers) that had over two years of married life, through written questionnaire. Sampling is gathered through census. Researcher basis on her scientific findings categorized challenges and threatening damages to the family social health of seasonal families clearly and more than that shown particular privileges of wives in seasonal families, besides she determined a frame of “dual life style “ of seasonal families. The researcher presents suggestions for brightening the horizon of afore mentioned social group (seasonal families)