Sociological Analysis of the Representation of Consumerist Lifestyle on the Instagram Social Network
Subject Areas : Social Researches
Amirhossein Haghparast
mehrdad navabakhsh
Asemeh Ghasemi
1 - Ph.D. Student of Department of Sociology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Full Professor of Department of Sociology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Department of Sociology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Social media, Instagram, Influencer, Lifestyle, Consumerism.,
Abstract :
Introduction and Objectives of the research: In recent years, social media platforms, particularly Instagram with over one billion active users, have become powerful tools for displaying and representing individuals’ lifestyles. Influencers, as users with influence and large followings on this platform, play a key role in promoting various lifestyle styles, including consumerist lifestyles. This study aims to explore the sociocultural representation of consumerist lifestyles by influencers on Instagram, which is one of the most widely used apps among Iranian users. Methodology: The study adopts a qualitative approach, utilizing qualitative content analysis. The sample includes active influencers on Instagram across eight different domains (such as sports, health and wellness, advertising and business, culture and art, beauty and hygiene, migration, travel and tourism, food and restaurants, fashion and clothing, lifestyle, and daily life). A total of 106 influencers with a minimum of 500,000 followers were randomly selected for the statistical sample. Data were collected by extracting Instagram posts from the selected influencers during a specific time period. Qualitative and thematic analysis of the content related to consumerist lifestyle representation was conducted using MAXQDA version 2020. Findings: The study findings indicate that influencers play a crucial role in promoting and disseminating consumerist lifestyles among their audiences. By sharing content related to fashion, advertising, self-esteem, and personal development, they present an idealized and exaggerated image of consumption. Conclusion: This research highlights Instagram’s pivotal role in representing and promoting consumerist lifestyles. Influencers use this platform to present an idealized and exaggerated view of consumption to their followers, which may have negative consequences for individuals and society.
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