Study students' attitudes towards the protests and unrest of 1401
Subject Areas :
yavar eivazy
سید مرتضی میرتبار
alireza edrisi
morteza golshani gehraz
1 - مرکز پژوهشی مبنا- قم
2 - Mabna Research Center, Qom, Iran
3 - Imam Muhammad Baqir University
4 - Allameh Tabatabai Farhangian University, Ardabil, Iran
Keywords: Young, Political Unrest, Social Cohesion, Student’s Lifestyle,
Abstract :
The unrest of 1401 after the Islamic Revolution was unique in terms of its scope and intensity of impact on social order. Considering the critical role of young people, especially students, in the occurrence and escalation of these developments on the one hand and their influence in maintaining social unity and cohesion on the other hand, the study of this group's attitude towards stability/instability is essential. The current research aims to measure students' attitudes towards the unrest of 1401 and strategize to strengthen social unity and cohesion. In this regard, the research method is a survey; the data collection tool is a questionnaire. The statistical population is Iranian students of domestic universities, with a sample population of 620. From the point of view of students, the unfavorable economic situation and the feeling of deprivation, the performance of non-discursive media, the decrease in the efficiency and acceptability of the political system, and the prevalence of economic-administrative corruption have been the most important reasons for the unrest, respectively. The increase in willingness to protest or the desire to participate in protests, the increase in the desire to immigrate abroad due to the unrest, and the decrease in the desire to participate politically are the most important consequences of the 1401 unrest among the student population. From a strategic point of view, grounding and planning to create a demanding platform with a tendency to interact among students, organizing the student lifestyle by formulating its model, and strengthening the system's efficiency, especially in the economic field, have been emphasized.
• قرآن کریم
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