Identifying the Components of Improving Research and Development Capabilities with a Qualitative Approach in Industries with Complex Technology
Subject Areas : Strategic Management Researchesamirhosain farhadi 1 , Aboalghasem sarabadani 2 * , seyd sepehr ghazi noori 3
1 - PhD student in Technology Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor in Information Technology Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor in Information Technology Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: qualitative approach, Empowerment Research and Development, Complex Technology,
Abstract :
Complex technologies require the existence of research and development units with high capabilities. This need is very vital in industries that do not have the possibility to transfer technology under the prevailing conditions. The purpose of this research is to identify effective and key components in improving the level of research and development capability in one of the strategic industries with complex technology. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of qualitative research method, which was carried out with the foundation's data theory strategy. The statistical population is the experts of design and research and development units of the nuclear industry. In order to analyze and identify components and dimensions, the exploratory analysis and "Atlas.ti" software have been used. Based on the results analysis, 332 open codes, 28 sub-categories and 6 main categories were identified and extracted. According to the findings of the research, dynamic organization has the highest emphasis from the interviewees and, in order, reliable management, leading technology governance, knowledge-based mediating institutions, organizational social capital, and local product commercialization are among the other components identified in order to improve research capability and development in studied industry. Better understanding and recognition of the enabling components and criteria of research and development and knowing the importance of each of them in relation to each other, while developing theoretical concepts in this field, creates this possibility for research and development managers and influencers in decision making to make more favorable decisions regarding the proper allocation of resources and increase the possibility of success in obtaining technology.
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