Taxonomy of Promotion Strategies of the Prosperous Pharmaceutical Products in the Growth Stage
Subject Areas : Strategic Management Researches
Mahdi Ebrahimi
ali asgarhalvaei
1 - Assistant Professor of Business Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University of Tehran
2 - Deportment of business management, School of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Taxonomy, Promotion Strategies, Pharmaceutical Companies, Successful Pharmaceutical Products, Fuzzy Clustering ,
Abstract :
Iran's pharmaceutical industry has long been confronted with various marketing and advertising constraints Most of these constraints has arised from governmental terms and conditions, and has led to the overwhelming majority of these companies pursuing a passive and minimalistic approach to exploiting promotional strategies. However,today, with the arrival of newly stablished pharmaceutical companies and with private sector support, we are observing a remarkable change in the past approaches of these companies toward their promotion strategies. In this research, presenting the latest findings of promotion strategies of human pharmaceutical companies, we aimed to identify the common types of these strategies using the taxonomic method. For this purpose, we first created a comprehensive framework for the dimensions and components of the promotion strategy of pharmaceutical companies by conducting semi-structured interviews in a qualitative research and using a content analysis method ,then, through a quantitative survey and completion of questionnaires, the promotion strategy of each of the forty pharmaceutical companies in the statistical sample of this study was identified. Finally, by performing fuzzy clustering, four clusters or distinct types of promotion strategies of pharmaceutical companies were identified, each with significant differences in some of the key characteristics of other types. A key result of study shows that pharmaceutical companies have adopted different approaches to using promotion strategies.
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