Evaluation of Motivating Factors for Users to Clicks on Banner Ads in Social Media (Case Study: Clothing Ads in Instagram)
Subject Areas : Strategic Management Researches
Mahsa Baghaei
Datis Khajeheian
Mohamad rahim esfidani
1 - M.A in Business Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Media Management and Business Communication, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Marketing and Business Strategy, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: social media, Instagram, Motivating Factors, Online Ads, Advertising Click,
Abstract :
Ubiquitous nature of social media as well as their popularity and scope of use has made social media advertising as an effective type of online promotion of services and commodities. Instagram is one of the most popular of them. In Iran, this social media has been ranked at the top and is widely used by users, with no filtering and prohibition of access. For this reason, this research addresses the factors that affect Instagram users to click on banner advertising of clothes. 414 users, by use of online questionnaire as the means for collecting data, responded the questions. Data analyzed by SEM and PLS approach. Results show that consumption motivations have positive and meaningful effect on perceived informativeness and perceived entertainment. Also perceived informativeness and attitudes to SNS Advertising has a positive and meaningful effect on users' click on advertising. On the other side, the effect of Connection Motivations is not confirmed.
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