• Masoumali Nejad.Zahra Identification of arsenic contamination from underground mine area, Sirjan, and removing them by biological absorption method [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Mehrabi.Mohammad Reza The 3ʹ region length polymorphism of clfa gene in staphylococcus aureus clinical samples isolated from three hospitals in Qom city [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Mehrpoor.Shahin Investigation of essential oil analysis and antioxidant properties of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Before and after seed cryopreservation. [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1397]
  • memarian.banafsheh Naphtalene effect on Germination and growth factors of seedlings in Helianthus annus L. [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • meybodi.seyed mansour Identification of arsenic contamination from underground mine area, Sirjan, and removing them by biological absorption method [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Mohammad Ali Gasemzadeh.Mohammad Ali Compare resistance and antifngal effects of Fluconazole, Itraconazole , Ketoconazole and nystatin on ( Candida albicans) isolated from Vulvovaginitis in Qom in 1395 [ Vol.8, Issue 30 - Summer Year 1397]
  • Mohammad Ali Gasemzadeh.Mohammad Ali Synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles with antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity against Klebsiella pneumonia [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • Mohammad Ali Gasemzadeh.Mohammad Ali study the effect of silver nanoparticles against to biofilm in listeria monocytogenes [ Vol.8, Issue 32 - Winter Year 1397]
  • Mohammad Salehi.Fatemeh The 3ʹ region length polymorphism of clfa gene in staphylococcus aureus clinical samples isolated from three hospitals in Qom city [ Vol.8, Issue 31 - Autumn Year 1397]
  • momen.amirhosein Investigation of the Native Iranian probiotic effect on dermatophytosis consequent ‘Microsprum canis in male Wistar rats in vitro [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1397]
  • Momtaz.Hassan Determination of antibiotic resistance pattern in different serotypes of Klebsiella pneumoniae strains isolated from hospital infections in Zarinshahr [ Vol.8, Issue 29 - Spring Year 1397]