Comprehensive study of microbial contamination of drinking water in Mashhad
Subject Areas :
Farahnaz Molavi
Ali Qaraee Najafabadi
Negar Azani
Zeinab Javanshir
Mohadese Eslahi
AmirHosein Alizade
Faeze Gholami Bahar
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
2 - Bachelor Student, Department of Biology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
3 - Bachelor Student, Department of Biology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
4 - Bachelor Student, Department of Biology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.
5 - Bachelor Student, Department of Biology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
6 - Bachelor Student, Department of Biology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
7 - Bachelor Student, Department of Biology, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.
Received: 2023-06-20
Accepted : 2023-07-18
Published : 2023-04-21
total coliform,
Mashhad City,
drinking water,
Fecal coliform,
Abstract :
Objective: Mashhad is the most important city in the country due to its tourist and pilgrimage attractions, and ensuring the safety of its drinking water is very important, especially for travelers. The aim of the present study was to investigate the microbial quality of drinking water in MashhadMaterials and methods: This is a field research and a cross-sectional study. Sampling locations were determined by systematic sampling method. The drinking water of 15 selected stations was studied during 10 months from February 2019 to the end of December 2011. Each station was sampled 4 times in 4 different seasons. The samples were studied in three parts of bacterial, fungal and protozoan contamination assessment, according to existing standards.Findings: The microbial quality of Mashhad's drinking water supply sources was very favorable in terms of total and faecal coliform contamination and was in line with the national standard. From a total of 220 fungal colonies grown, 7 different genera of fungi were identified. In general, the average CFU of isolated fungi for samplesper 100 ml of water was 6.2.The most common isolated fungus was Aspergillus (40.45%) and the least isolated colony was related to Fusarium (1.3%). No samples of protozoans or cysts related to protozoans were observed in any station.Conclusion: According to the guidelines of the World Health Organization in 2006 for evaluating the microbial health of water, the drinking water quality of Mashhad was in accordance with the national standard. Mashhad's drinking water also contains various fungi. Therefore, it is suggested that in the regular monitoring of the urban water system in terms of microbial contamination, fungi should also be investigated as one of the important microorganisms. Regarding contamination with protozoa, no contamination was observed. In order to maintain the desirability of drinking water in Mashhad city, it is suggested that the water and sewage company continuously monitor the quality of drinking water sources.
Das P & et al. Carbon-dots-initiated photopolymerization: An in situ synthetic approach for MXene/poly (norepinephrine)/copper hybrid and its application for mitigating water pollution. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2021; 13(26): 31038-31050.
Yin K et al. Microplastics pollution and risk assessment in water bodies of two nature reserves in Jilin Province: Correlation analysis with the degree of human activity. Science of The Total Environment. 2021; 799: 149390.
Liu Y & et al. A review of water pollution arising from agriculture and mining activities in Central Asia: Facts, causes and effects. Environmental Pollution. 2021; 291: 118209.
Edition F. Guidelines for drinking-water quality. WHO chronicle. 2011; 38(4): 4-10.
Rabbani G, Shafaqi, S. & Rahnama, MR. Urban sprawl modeling using statistical approach in Mashhad, northeastern Iran. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment. 2018; 4: 141-149.
Molavi F et al. Study of pollution in the Kashafrood river by the approach of protozoan parasites. Experimental animal Biology. 2019; 8(1): 29-3. [in persian].
Organization WH. Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality 3rd Ed. Incorporating the First and Second Addenda: Recommendations 1. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. Available at:
www. who. int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/gdwq3rev/en/index. html, 2008.
Yeganeh J, Nazemi S & Mohammadkhani S. Study of Water Quality in Rural Regions of Northeastern Iran. Journal of Human Environment and Health Promotion. 2016; 2(1): 63-8.
Rodriguez-Valera, F, Ruiz-Berraquero F & Ramos-Cormenzana A. Characteristics of the heterotrophic bacterial populations in hypersaline environments of different salt concentrations. Microbial Ecology. 1981; 7: 235-243.
Huo L & et al. Effects of disinfectants and particles on the occurrence of different microorganisms in drinking water distribution systems. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. 2021; 7(5): 983-992.
Wu J et al. Are microbial indicators and pathogens correlated? A statistical analysis of 40 years of research. Journal of water and health. 2011; 9(2): 265-278.
Inwood GJ. Of leaps of faith and policy change: The Macdonald Royal Commission. in: Commissions of Inquiry and Policy Change: A Comparative Analysis. University of Toronto Press
Samson R,Van Kooij J & De Boer, E. Microbiological quality of commercial tempeh in the Netherlands. Journal of Food Protection.1987; 50(2): 92-94.
Edition F. Protocol for Developing Pathogen TMDLs. Assessment. 2001; 5: 1.
Molleda P et al. Removal of wastewater pathogen indicators in a constructed wetland in Leon, Spain. Ecological engineering. 2008; 33(3-4): 252-257.
Lian C & et al. Morphology and phylogeny of four marine or brackish water spirotrich ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from China, with descriptions of two new species. European Journal of Protistology. 2020; 72: 125663.
Papaiacovou I. Case study—wastewater reuse in Limassol as an alternative water source. Desalination. 2001; 138(1-3).
Dehority BA & Tirabasso PA. Antibiosis between ruminal bacteria and ruminal fungi. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2000; 66(7): 2921-7.
Lu W & Leung AY.A preliminary study on potential of developing shower/laundry wastewater reclamation and reuse system. 2003; 52(9): 1451-1459.
Corliss JO. The ciliated protozoa: characterization, classification and guide to the literature. Secound Edittion. Pergamon prees. 2016: 455.
Mahvi A, Hashemi S & Younessian M. Quality of drinking water in a municipality district in Tehran. Payesh (Health Monitor). 2005; 4(1): 5-9.
Pandit AB & Kumar JK. Clean water for developing countries. Annual review of chemical and biomolecular engineering. 2015; 6: 217-246.
Barrell R, Hunter P & Nichols G. Microbiological standards for water and their relationship to health risk. Commun Dis Public Health. 2000; 3(1): 8-13.
Barrell A & et al. Efficiency of environmental protection expenditures in EU countries. 2021; 14(24): 8443.
World Health Organization. Chromium in Drinking-water. 2020.
Salehi M. Global water shortage and potable water safety; Today’s concern and tomorrow’s crisis. Environment International. 2022; 158: 106936.
Ghannadi M & Mohebbi, MR. A 2006 Survey of Drinking Water Microbial Quality in Rural Areas in IRAN (Limitations, Challenges, and Opportunities). Journal of Water and Wastewater; Ab va Fazilab. 2008; 19(1): 23-29. [in persian]
Heidari M & et al. Survey on microbial quality of drinking water in rural areas of Kashan and the role of rural water and wastewater company in that improvement. Disaster Management and Response. 2010; 2(1).
Majdi H, Gheibi L & Soltani, T. Evaluation of physicochemical and microbial quality of drinking water of villages in Takab Town in West Azerbaijan in 2013. Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences. 2015; 14(8): 631-642. [in persian]
Mohammadian Fazli M. Microbial Quality Of The Drinking Water Of Zanjan City (2000). Journal of Advances in Medical and Biomedical Research. 2002; 10(41): 45-50.
Nabizadeh R & et al. Evaluating the Microbial Content of the Drinking Water in Rural Areas of Tehran Province. Journal of School of Public Health & Institute of Public Health Research. 2008; 5(4).
Emamjomeh MM, Tari K & Khalili R. Assessment of microbial contamination in drinking water supplies Qazvin city (2013-14). The Journal of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences. 2017; 21(3): 91-95. [in persian]
Sohrabi M, Mohammadzadeh H., Quantitative study of groundwater resources in Ravansar study area (Kermanshah). 2nd International Congress of Earth Sciences and Urban Development, 2016: 05-12.
Hayati R & Dobaradaran S. Evaluation of physical, chemical and microbial quality of distribution network drinkingwater in Bushehr, Iran. ISMJ. 2015; 17(6): 1223-1235.
[in persian]
Fazlzadeh-Doyel, AMSM. & Draji, B. Survey of bacteriological quality of the drinking water in rural areas of Ardabil city. Ardabil Health. 2011; 2(1): 66-73.
Atabakhsh P & et al. Identification of Total and Fecal Coliforms and Heterotrophic to Microbiological Method and E. coli O157: H7 to Immunological, and RealTime PCR Methodsin IsfahanWaterTreatment Plant. Iranian Journal of Health and Environment. 2010; 3(3). [in persian]
Alidadi H & et al. Study of chemical quality indicators of drinking water in the area covered by Health Center of Mashhad city in the years 87 to 90. Journal of the Faculty of Medicine of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. 2016; 59(2): 115-121. [in persian]
Products N. National Standard of Iran, Drinking Water - Physical and Chemical Properties. Iranian Institute of Standards and Industrial Research,
Gonçalves AB, Paterson RRM & Lima N. Survey and significance of filamentous fungi from tap water. International Journal of hygiene and environmental health. 2006; 209(3): 257-264.
Kanzler D & et al. Occurrence and hygienic relevance of fungi in drinking water. Mycoses. 2008; 51(2): 165-169.
Hayette M-P & et al. Filamentous fungi recovered from the water distribution system of a Belgian university hospital. Medical Mycology. 2010; 48(7): 969-974.
Hageskal G & et al. Occurrence of moulds in drinking Journal of applied microbiology. 2007; 102(3): 774-780.
Directive C. On the quality of water intended for human consumption. Official Journal of the European Communities. 1998; 3(330): 32-54.
Hoque BA & et al. Rural drinking water at supply and household levels: Quality and management. International journal of hygiene and environmental health. 2006; 209(5): 451-460.
Cabral C, Lucas P, Gordon D. Estimating the health impacts of unsafe drinking water in developing country contexts [Online]. 2009 Sep 01 [cited 2010 Des 28].
Focazio MJ & et al. A national reconnaissance for pharmaceuticals and other organic wastewater contaminants in the United States—II) Untreated drinking water sources. Science of the total Environment. 2008; 402(2-3): 201-216.
Pires‐Gonçalves R & et Occurrence of fungi in water used at a haemodialysis centre. Letters in applied microbiology. 2008; 46(5): 542-547.
Mayahi S & et al. Mycoflora assessment in drinking tap water (Sari, Iran). Journal of Gorgan University of Medical Sciences. 2012; 13(4): 114-119.
Russell R & Paterson M. Zearalenone production and growth in drinking water inoculated with Fusarium graminearum. Mycological Progress. 2007; 6(2): 109-113.
Raper KB & Fennell, DI. The genus Aspergillus. The genus Aspergillus, 1965.
Wang H. & et al. Horizontal gene transfer of Fhb7 from fungus underlies Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat. Science. 2020; 368(6493): eaba5435.
Wang F. & et al. Interactions of microplastics and cadmium on plant growth and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in an agricultural soil. Chemosphere. 2020; 254: 126791.
Das P & et al. Carbon-dots-initiated photopolymerization: An in situ synthetic approach for MXene/poly (norepinephrine)/copper hybrid and its application for mitigating water pollution. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2021; 13(26): 31038-31050.
Yin K et al. Microplastics pollution and risk assessment in water bodies of two nature reserves in Jilin Province: Correlation analysis with the degree of human activity. Science of The Total Environment. 2021; 799: 149390.
Liu Y & et al. A review of water pollution arising from agriculture and mining activities in Central Asia: Facts, causes and effects. Environmental Pollution. 2021; 291: 118209.
Edition F. Guidelines for drinking-water quality. WHO chronicle. 2011; 38(4): 4-10.
Rabbani G, Shafaqi, S. & Rahnama, MR. Urban sprawl modeling using statistical approach in Mashhad, northeastern Iran. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment. 2018; 4: 141-149.
Molavi F et al. Study of pollution in the Kashafrood river by the approach of protozoan parasites. Experimental animal Biology. 2019; 8(1): 29-3. [in persian].
Organization WH. Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality 3rd Ed. Incorporating the First and Second Addenda: Recommendations 1. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. Available at:
www. who. int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/gdwq3rev/en/index. html, 2008.
Yeganeh J, Nazemi S & Mohammadkhani S. Study of Water Quality in Rural Regions of Northeastern Iran. Journal of Human Environment and Health Promotion. 2016; 2(1): 63-8.
Rodriguez-Valera, F, Ruiz-Berraquero F & Ramos-Cormenzana A. Characteristics of the heterotrophic bacterial populations in hypersaline environments of different salt concentrations. Microbial Ecology. 1981; 7: 235-243.
Huo L & et al. Effects of disinfectants and particles on the occurrence of different microorganisms in drinking water distribution systems. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. 2021; 7(5): 983-992.
Wu J et al. Are microbial indicators and pathogens correlated? A statistical analysis of 40 years of research. Journal of water and health. 2011; 9(2): 265-278.
Inwood GJ. Of leaps of faith and policy change: The Macdonald Royal Commission. in: Commissions of Inquiry and Policy Change: A Comparative Analysis. University of Toronto Press
Samson R,Van Kooij J & De Boer, E. Microbiological quality of commercial tempeh in the Netherlands. Journal of Food Protection.1987; 50(2): 92-94.
Edition F. Protocol for Developing Pathogen TMDLs. Assessment. 2001; 5: 1.
Molleda P et al. Removal of wastewater pathogen indicators in a constructed wetland in Leon, Spain. Ecological engineering. 2008; 33(3-4): 252-257.
Lian C & et al. Morphology and phylogeny of four marine or brackish water spirotrich ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from China, with descriptions of two new species. European Journal of Protistology. 2020; 72: 125663.
Papaiacovou I. Case study—wastewater reuse in Limassol as an alternative water source. Desalination. 2001; 138(1-3).
Dehority BA & Tirabasso PA. Antibiosis between ruminal bacteria and ruminal fungi. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2000; 66(7): 2921-7.
Lu W & Leung AY.A preliminary study on potential of developing shower/laundry wastewater reclamation and reuse system. 2003; 52(9): 1451-1459.
Corliss JO. The ciliated protozoa: characterization, classification and guide to the literature. Secound Edittion. Pergamon prees. 2016: 455.
Mahvi A, Hashemi S & Younessian M. Quality of drinking water in a municipality district in Tehran. Payesh (Health Monitor). 2005; 4(1): 5-9.
Pandit AB & Kumar JK. Clean water for developing countries. Annual review of chemical and biomolecular engineering. 2015; 6: 217-246.
Barrell R, Hunter P & Nichols G. Microbiological standards for water and their relationship to health risk. Commun Dis Public Health. 2000; 3(1): 8-13.
Barrell A & et al. Efficiency of environmental protection expenditures in EU countries. 2021; 14(24): 8443.
World Health Organization. Chromium in Drinking-water. 2020.
Salehi M. Global water shortage and potable water safety; Today’s concern and tomorrow’s crisis. Environment International. 2022; 158: 106936.
Ghannadi M & Mohebbi, MR. A 2006 Survey of Drinking Water Microbial Quality in Rural Areas in IRAN (Limitations, Challenges, and Opportunities). Journal of Water and Wastewater; Ab va Fazilab. 2008; 19(1): 23-29. [in persian]
Heidari M & et al. Survey on microbial quality of drinking water in rural areas of Kashan and the role of rural water and wastewater company in that improvement. Disaster Management and Response. 2010; 2(1).
Majdi H, Gheibi L & Soltani, T. Evaluation of physicochemical and microbial quality of drinking water of villages in Takab Town in West Azerbaijan in 2013. Journal of Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences. 2015; 14(8): 631-642. [in persian]
Mohammadian Fazli M. Microbial Quality Of The Drinking Water Of Zanjan City (2000). Journal of Advances in Medical and Biomedical Research. 2002; 10(41): 45-50.
Nabizadeh R & et al. Evaluating the Microbial Content of the Drinking Water in Rural Areas of Tehran Province. Journal of School of Public Health & Institute of Public Health Research. 2008; 5(4).
Emamjomeh MM, Tari K & Khalili R. Assessment of microbial contamination in drinking water supplies Qazvin city (2013-14). The Journal of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences. 2017; 21(3): 91-95. [in persian]
Sohrabi M, Mohammadzadeh H., Quantitative study of groundwater resources in Ravansar study area (Kermanshah). 2nd International Congress of Earth Sciences and Urban Development, 2016: 05-12.
Hayati R & Dobaradaran S. Evaluation of physical, chemical and microbial quality of distribution network drinkingwater in Bushehr, Iran. ISMJ. 2015; 17(6): 1223-1235.
[in persian]
Fazlzadeh-Doyel, AMSM. & Draji, B. Survey of bacteriological quality of the drinking water in rural areas of Ardabil city. Ardabil Health. 2011; 2(1): 66-73.
Atabakhsh P & et al. Identification of Total and Fecal Coliforms and Heterotrophic to Microbiological Method and E. coli O157: H7 to Immunological, and RealTime PCR Methodsin IsfahanWaterTreatment Plant. Iranian Journal of Health and Environment. 2010; 3(3). [in persian]
Alidadi H & et al. Study of chemical quality indicators of drinking water in the area covered by Health Center of Mashhad city in the years 87 to 90. Journal of the Faculty of Medicine of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. 2016; 59(2): 115-121. [in persian]
Products N. National Standard of Iran, Drinking Water - Physical and Chemical Properties. Iranian Institute of Standards and Industrial Research,
Gonçalves AB, Paterson RRM & Lima N. Survey and significance of filamentous fungi from tap water. International Journal of hygiene and environmental health. 2006; 209(3): 257-264.
Kanzler D & et al. Occurrence and hygienic relevance of fungi in drinking water. Mycoses. 2008; 51(2): 165-169.
Hayette M-P & et al. Filamentous fungi recovered from the water distribution system of a Belgian university hospital. Medical Mycology. 2010; 48(7): 969-974.
Hageskal G & et al. Occurrence of moulds in drinking Journal of applied microbiology. 2007; 102(3): 774-780.
Directive C. On the quality of water intended for human consumption. Official Journal of the European Communities. 1998; 3(330): 32-54.
Hoque BA & et al. Rural drinking water at supply and household levels: Quality and management. International journal of hygiene and environmental health. 2006; 209(5): 451-460.
Cabral C, Lucas P, Gordon D. Estimating the health impacts of unsafe drinking water in developing country contexts [Online]. 2009 Sep 01 [cited 2010 Des 28].
Focazio MJ & et al. A national reconnaissance for pharmaceuticals and other organic wastewater contaminants in the United States—II) Untreated drinking water sources. Science of the total Environment. 2008; 402(2-3): 201-216.
Pires‐Gonçalves R & et Occurrence of fungi in water used at a haemodialysis centre. Letters in applied microbiology. 2008; 46(5): 542-547.
Mayahi S & et al. Mycoflora assessment in drinking tap water (Sari, Iran). Journal of Gorgan University of Medical Sciences. 2012; 13(4): 114-119.
Russell R & Paterson M. Zearalenone production and growth in drinking water inoculated with Fusarium graminearum. Mycological Progress. 2007; 6(2): 109-113.
Raper KB & Fennell, DI. The genus Aspergillus. The genus Aspergillus, 1965.
Wang H. & et al. Horizontal gene transfer of Fhb7 from fungus underlies Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat. Science. 2020; 368(6493): eaba5435.
Wang F. & et al. Interactions of microplastics and cadmium on plant growth and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in an agricultural soil. Chemosphere. 2020; 254: 126791.