Evaluation of antifungal effects of garlic essential oil (Alliumsstadium) in Candida albicans, Candida glabrata and Candida tropicalis in vitro
Subject Areas : microbiologymaryam mirabadi 1 * , hamid azadegam ghomi 2 , mojtaba didehdar 3
1 - Department ‎of Mycology and parasitology, ‎Arak Branch, Islamic Azad ‎University‎
2 - Department ‎of Mycology and parasitology, ‎Arak Branch, Islamic Azad ‎University‎
3 - Department ‎of Mycology and parasitology, ‎Arak Branch, Islamic Azad ‎University‎
Keywords: Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis, : garlic essential oil,
Abstract :
Objective: pathogenic Candida species widely distributed in human and animal hosts. 88% of fungal infections and the fourth cause of nosocomial bloodstream infections among all causes of infection. Garlic contains sulfur compounds and fructose are. Sulfur compounds called amino acids and these compounds in garlic of sulfide and non-sulfide are divided into two main groups. Materials and Methods: In this study, standard on the environment Dextrose Agar (Merck) and CHROMagar Candida were cultured. Essential oil extracted in a sterile container with lid (according to flee phase) and were stored at 4 ° C for laboratory analysis. To do this extraction method hydro distillation using Clevenger apparatus was used. The inhibition zone measuring the diameter of one-way ANOVA test and ANOVA were calculated at different concentrations of garlic oil. Results:. In the disc diffusion method, a concentration of 250 μg showed that candida albicans are more sensitive. There was a significant difference in the concentration of 1000 μg Candida glabrata in comparison with the Candida tropicalis. The results of MIC showed that Candida albicans (MIC = 0.4) had the lowest MIC and therefore the most sensitive fungi to garlic essential oil. Conclusion: It is well accepted that the pathogen Candida oral candidiasis, Candida albicans and C. glabrata infections, so this control with candidiasis diagnosis and early prevention is of particular importance. For proper treatment, to determine the level of Candida species and genetic analysis to assess clinical isolates of Candida and prevention, especially in hospitalized patients seems necessary.