Measurement of Heavy Metals, Lead and Cadmium, in Ten Major Medicinal Plants in Kermanshah
Subject Areas : biologySomayeh Abdi 1 , keyvan shams 2 * , Soheil Kobraee 3
1 - Graduate of Masters Degree, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch
2 - Assistant Professor IsalmicAzad University Kermanshah Branch
3 - Assistant professor-islamic azad university kermanshah branch
Keywords: Lead, Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, Cadmium, Medicinal Plants, Heavy metals,
Abstract :
The use of medicinal plants plays a vital role in improving the health of human society. Since the plants are the most important transmission route of heavy metals into human food chain and biological cycles, this study which was carried out in 2016, aimed to evaluate the heavy metals such as, lead and Cadmium in ten medicinal plants in Kermanshah. After preparing three samples of each medicinal plants, samples were taken from the acid digestion and the accumulated concentrations of the elements were measured by atomic absorption spectrometry. This experiment was carried out 3 replications and in the form of the completely randomized design(CRD). Also statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS statistical packages. The results showed that the minimum and maximum concentrations of cadmium were in Liquorice and Betony (13.7 and 90.7µg. Kg-1 respectively) and also minimum and maximum concentrations of lead were in Dill and Chamomile (9.91 and 20.73µg. Kg-1 respectively). The mean accumulated concentration of any studied elements in specimen is not greater than the WHO approved guidelines. Therefore, the consumption of medicinal plants has no consequences of health hazard for consumers but considering that these medicinal plants have been used extensively in the Kermanshah and harvest and preparation are undisclosed locations, and probability bioaccumulation of heavy metals in the long term will bring, then continuous monitoring of accumulated amounts of heavy metals in medicinal plants is recommended.