Investigating the response of different soybean cultivars to different levels of salinity stress during the germination stage
Subject Areas :
Mohammad Mahdi Alizadeh
Mahyar Gerami
Parastoo Majidian
Hamidreza Ghorbani
1 - M.Sc. graduated, Horticultural Science- Medicinal plants, Sana Institute of Higher Education, Sari, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Biology Department, Sana Institute of Higher Education, Sari, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Crop and Horticultural Science Research Department, Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Sari, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Crop and Horticultural Science Research Department, Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Sari, Iran
Keywords: Correlation, Cluster Analysis, Salinity Stress, Soybean, Tolerant Cultivars,
Abstract :
In order to investigate the effect of salinity on soybean germination, the project was performed as factorial experiment based on completely randomized design with three replications in laboratory of Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center in 2020. The treatments were 11 soybean cultivars (Williams, Saba, Tapor, Sari, Amir, Caspian, Kosar, Katul, Sahar, Telar and Nekador) and four salinity levels (0, 20, 40, 60 mM of NaCl). Analysis of variance showed that the effect of salinity, genotypes and interaction of theme in all traits were significant at 1% probability level. With increasing salinity, all traits value in all genotypes decreased. Mean comparison of variety treatment showed that the highest germination percentage was observed in Katul cultivar (83.33%). The Mean comparison of interaction effect showed that the highest values of the traits were observed in the combination of cultivars and 0 mM concentration, and with increasing salinity level, the amount of traits decreased and their lowest value was in the combination of cultivars and 60 mM. Cluster analysis put the studied genotypes into three groups. Correlation analysis showed that all correlation coefficients were positive and significant, and the germination rate had the highest correlation with the germination percentage (0.88) and total dry weight (0.78). The germination percentage was the first trait that entered to the regression model of germination rate and was able to justify 0.77 of variances. Among different cultivars, Amir and Saba cultivars were recognized as tolerant cultivars and Sahar and Williams cultivars as sensitive cultivars.
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