Strategies of Social Integration of Afghan Immigrants in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Subject Areas : Iranian Political Research
Hadi Farjami Kia
Ali Shirkhani
1 - PhD. Student, Department of Political Science, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
2 - Professor, Department of Political Science, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
Keywords: Social Integration, Immigrants, Afghan Immigrants, Iran.,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present research is to study strategies of social integration of Afghan immigrants in the Islamic Republic of Iran based on the SWOT model. Totally, 8 strength points, 17 weakness points, 19 opportunities, and 13 threats were detected. In the next stage, the final score of each criterion and sub-criterion was determined using paired comparison, Saaty ranking system, and ANP model. According to the obtained scores, it can be said that in the current situation, the invasive strategy should be taken into consideration and prioritized. Strategies of SO9, So3, and SO1 have the highest scores and are recognized as the first, second, and third priorities. The strategy of SO9 develops territory markets, export of domestic goods, and import of Afghan products to Iran. SO3 propagates consumption patterns among the immigrants and expands internal and external markets which help economic growth. SO1 increases the labor force and ethnic variation in society and creates interaction between different cities and regions.
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