A Reflection upon the Concept of Political Development in the Principlist Discourse of Mahmūd Ahmadī Nizhād
Subject Areas : Iranian Political ResearchReza Mohammadain 1 , Hossein Tafazoli 2 * , Seyed Ismail Hosseini Goli 3
1 - PhD. Student, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Political Science, Central Tehran Branch,
Islamic Azad University,Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Political Science, Central Tehran Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Political Science, Central Tehran Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Principlism (Fundamentalism), Principalist Idealist, Global Arrogance (U.S.A), MahmūdAhmadī Nizhād, Islamic civilization, Bahār Government, political development,
Abstract :
MahmūdAhmadī Nizhād is the head of the 9th and 10th government in the Islamic Republic of Iran who launched his work with an approach to revive the principles and ideals of the Islamic Revolution. The purpose of the present study is to represent a distinct analysis of the concept of political development in the discourse of MahmūdAhmadī Nizhād that in contrast with the western conception of political development, is accompanied with some requirements such as establishing Islamic civilization by the Islamic Republic Government and improving Islamic culture and civilization in the international level. Using descriptive analysis, this study deals with the main research question that: what does the concept of political development mean in in the priciplist idea of MahmūdAhmadī Nizhād? This research delves deep into the principlist discourse of the parties and democratic organizations as well as the role of people in achieving the goals of the revolution and then represents a new interpretation of the concept of political development. This interpretation recognizes the establishment of Islamic civilization and justice by the Islamic Republic of Iran throughout the world as the center of this concept in the intellectual discourse of MahmūdAhmadī Nizhād.
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