The Process of Globalization and the Necessity to Adopt a Inclusive Approach to Iran’s National Identity by the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Government
Subject Areas : Iranian Political ResearchMajid Abbaszadeh Marzbali 1 * , Hossein Rafie 2
1 - Ph.D. Political Science, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Political Scaience, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
Keywords: National Identity, Identity Attitudes, Islamic Republic of Iran, Cyberspace, Globalization,
Abstract :
< p >The purpose of the present study is to explore the impact of the process of globalization on the transformation of the attitudes of Iranians to national identity and thereby presenting an appropriate identity model in policymaking in order to protect national identity. Accordingly, the main research question is that with regard to the identity effects of globalization in Iran, which approach can be adopted by the Islamic Republic of Iran to maintain national identity. This research relies on the hypothesis that with respect to the effects of globalization on the identity perspectives in Iran, the Iranian government can adopt an inclusive approach to national identity and simultaneously emphasize on 3 tenets of being Iranian, Islamic, and modern in order to reinforce and encourage the tendency of the majority of society to Iranian national identity and protect that. The method of study is descriptive analysis and the research results show that due to the penetration of globalization into Iran and the spread of cyberspace (as a means of globalization), the outlook of Iranian society on the principles of Iran’s national identity has been transformed. As a result of this situation, the bonding between people and their former principles as being Iranian and Muslim has weakened and instead, their tendency to the principles of modernity is reinforced. If a suitable approach is not adopted to this issue by the Islamic Republic of Iran, it can lead to the deterioration of national identity. For the sake of maintaining Iran’s national identity, the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran should simultaneously pay attention to all tenets of identity.
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