The role of the new middle class in the political instability of Iran in the second Pahlavi era
Subject Areas : Iranian Political Research
saeed jahangiri
Abolghassem Taheri
Alireza Azghandi
Ahmad Saei
1 - Ph.D. student of political science - Iran's affairs Science and Research Branch of Tehran
2 - Professor of Political Science, Tehran Science and Research Branch
3 - Professor of Political Science, Tehran Science and Research Branch
4 - Associate Professor of Political Science, Science and Research Branch of Tehran
Keywords: Imam Khomeini (RA), Islamic Revolution, Pahlavi, new middle class,
Abstract :
The Islamic Revolution of Iran can be considered one of the most important phenomena of the twentieth century. In the socio-political relations of modern societies, the role of the new middle class in the political, cultural and cultural contributions of the community can be undone. This class is the focus of political and cultural activities within the new urban community, while the new middle class is not, in terms of its intermediate social and economic status, to sustain the unlimited wealth accumulation and accumulation, and because of its position The job of the revolution itself is the main burden of its revolution, its changes and reforms. The Pahlavi regime's attempt to maintain its new patriarchal political system, which practically contradicted the participation of the social classes, and the arrival of most of the world's countries in the area of development and modernization that sparked the collective sense of the new middle class in Iran, brought the regime into conflict with certain problems and, in effect, It was necessary to adopt a dual policy in dealing with social classes and to control and control the social classes. In this regard, the process of modernization that intensified during the Second Pahlavi era, not giving notice to the new middle class in the process of functioning of the Rastakhiz Party in the alien The more this class of government and the new patriarchal structure of power It is opposed to the emergence and empowerment of the new middle class,
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