Examining the Causes of Russian Presence in the Middle East after the uprisings (with an emphasis on Syria)
Subject Areas : Iranian Political Research
1 - Associate Professor at Islamic azad University, Qom branch
Keywords: "Middle East", "Popular uprisings", "Convergence", "Russia", "Divergence",
Abstract :
The Wave of popular uprisings in the Arabic countries in the Middle East led to overthrow of governments in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen from one side and providing civil war in Syria from another side. Extension the uprisings in the region cause Russia attention to its Security, political and economic Preferences so at this time Russia fellow status quo approach in regard to Syria and it leads to Reciprocity and cooperation with some regional actors. This article will express the causes of expanding Russia's presence in the Middle East, especially after the revolutionary uprisings on the basis of Descriptive - analytic method and "offensive realism" theory. Results show that Russia's policy based on preventing the spreading uprisings into Eurasia, as well as play a greater role in international equations for vacuum left by the United States presence in the region and this policy shows reasons for divergence' and convergence' Russia with some regional actors
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