The position of proxy wars in the rivalries between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia in Yemen
Subject Areas : Iranian Political Researchmajid nasiri 1 , رحمت حاجی مینه 2 * , Hossein Daheshiar 3
1 -
2 - عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه آزاد واحد شرق تهران
3 - Professor of International Relations, Allameh Tabataba’i University
Keywords: proxy war, Islamic Republic of Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, regional competition,
Abstract :
Purpose: This article tries to answer the basic question that the place of proxy wars in the regional competition between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Middle East and especially in the Yemen region. Where is it? In this regard, we will examine the most important proxy groups in Iran and Saudi Arabia and their approaches to the Yemen crisis.
Method: In this research, the tools and methods of information collection were library and use of internal and external sites, the theoretical framework of the research is Stephen Walt's threat balance theory. This research Investigating the behavior of proxy forces of Iran and Saudi Arabia is a descriptive-analytical method.
Findings: Iran and Arabia as two countries in the region that before the Islamic revolution had mostly a political competition, a competition in which both sides tried to reduce each other's abilities, but after the Islamic revolution and Especially in recent years, this competition has had more of a security mode, a competition that has been a zero-sum game where both sides are trying to eliminate each other in the areas under each other's influence. The hypothesis of the article is that the proxy wars between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia, in the context of the increasing competition between the two actors in areas such as Syria and Yemen, have reduced their direct vision. is
Conclusion: The result of this research, by examining the relations between the two countries, tests this basic point that despite the many differences between the foreign and regional policies of the two countries, Saudi Arabia and the Republic of There is Islamic Iran; The emergence of proxy wars has prevented and hindered the occurrence of a direct war between them. And this competition has not led to a direct war between the two countries.
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