Pathology of Policy-Making in Economic Relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia
Subject Areas : Iranian Political Research
مصطفی اژدری
Garineh Keshishyan Siraki
Zohreh Poustinchi
1 -
2 - Department of Political Science and International Relations, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associate Professor of Department of Political Science and International Relations, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Aazad University,Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: pathology, economic relations policymaking, Islamic Republic of Iran, Russia, divergence,
Abstract :
Since their formation, Iran-Russia relations have been accompanied by numerous ups and downs and have been characterized by war, conflict, confrontation, cooperation, friendship, convergence and divergence. In the last two or three decades, the relations between the parties have changed to cooperation and desirable interactions in order to meet the demands and interests and goals of Tehran-Moscow. In a way, Iran and Russia have entered into a strategic alliance in events such as the Syrian war, and their political, military and security relations have become strong and strategic. However, statistics and figures show that economic relations between Iran and Russia have not followed the pattern of other areas and the level of relations in this area is still low and below expectations, and officials from both countries have repeatedly mentioned this issue. This study seeks to identify the reasons for the divergence in economic relations between Iran and Russia with a pathological perspective. To answer this question, the descriptive-analytical method and the theory of convergence and divergence were used, and the weakness of communication infrastructure, the marginalization of the private sector, the lack of an industrial economy, weakness in the marketing industry, sanctions, geopolitical and geoeconomic imbalances, bureaucratic structures, competition in the energy sector, and the lack of use of export opportunities are among the main reasons for the lack of convergence in economic relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia. Also, both countries have optimal capabilities in these areas. Knowing this, the present study seeks to identify the reasons for the divergence in economic relations between Iran and Russia. The study was conducted using a descriptive-analytical method and utilizing library resources and interviews with experts in the field of Russia.
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