An analysis of Rouhani's government's foreign policy towards Latin America (Case study: Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina)
Subject Areas : Iranian Political Research
Masoud Izadi
کیهان برزگر
کیهان برزگر
کیهان برزگر
کیهان برزگر
کیهان برزگر
davood kiani
1 -
2 - علوم و تحقیقات تهران
3 - علوم و تحقیقات تهران
4 - علوم و تحقیقات تهران
5 - علوم و تحقیقات تهران
6 - علوم و تحقیقات تهران
7 - Faculty member
Keywords: Foreign policy, Islamic Republic of Iran, Latin America, James Rosena theory, Relations,
Abstract :
Foreign policy is considered the most important aspect of social-political life of nations and countries, because their survival depends on foreign policy. The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, after the victory of the Islamic Revolution and during the past four and a half decades, has had many ups and downs, and at different historical times, in accordance with the type of governments, the personality of the president, internal conditions and the situation of the international system, certain discourses have dominated it, and this situation has more or less existed in relation to the direction of foreign policy towards Latin American countries. This research examines and analyzes the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards Latin America from the perspective of James Rosena's theory of continuity, with an emphasis on Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina during the Rouhani government. Using the descriptive-analytical method, the research raises the question of what policy did the Rouhani government take towards Latin America and what variables influenced this policy? The findings of the research show that the Rouhani government tried to expand economic relations with this region by avoiding political uproar due to its focus on the nuclear issue. In the meantime, the variable of the international system has had an impact on Rouhani's foreign policy towards Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina more than other variables. Individual and role variables were able to influence the Rouhani government's foreign policy towards these countries to some extent, but the two variables of government and society played a very weak role.
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