The Role of Political Culture in the Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Subject Areas : Iranian Political Research
Mahmoud Mosalanejad
Shiva Jalalpour
Fereydoun Akbarzadeh
Bahram Yousefi
1 - PhD student, Department of Political Science, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Political Science, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
4 - Professor, Department of Political Science, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: Political Culture, Foreign Policy, Islamic Republic of Iran, Foreign Relations.,
Abstract :
The importance of studying political culture lies in its ability to show the process by which demands and desires are transformed into decisions, strategies, and policies. In this regard,
the aim of the present research is to demonstrate how the political culture of Iranians, which
has evolved throughout history, has prominently influenced the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran after the Islamic Revolution. The research method is descriptive-analytical,
and the findings show that: the first layer of Iran’s political culture, namely ancient Iranian culture, belongs to the period of Iranian civilization in pre-Islamic empires. During this era, Iran’s national culture was shaped by Iran’s geopolitical position as the center of civilization
and a crossroads of civilizational exchange in Asia, as well as by ideological variables rooted
in the divine religions of Iranians and the structure of Iranian governments. In fact, Iran’s geopolitical position, along with the myths, beliefs, values, and convictions of ancient Iranian civilization—deeply influenced by Iranians' religious spirit—played a significant role in the cultural construction of Iran and produced cultural variables that still persist to some extent as stable features of Iranian culture and have a key role in shaping certain aspects of Iran’s foreign policy. These cultural elements were revived during the Pahlavi era in the form of Iranian chauvinism, and the reconstruction of Iran’s ancient identity became the focal point of the foreign policy of “positive nationalism” in the 1950s and 1960s, followed by “independent national policy” in the 1970s.
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