Review of operational and body changes procedure of the old texture of Tehran city: An Emphasis on Are 4 ،Region 11
Subject Areas : Geopoliticاصغر Nazarian 1 * , ابوالفضل Meshkini 2 * , نرگس AhmadiFard 3 *
1 - ندارد
2 - ندارد
3 - ندارد
Keywords: old texture, usageness changes, operational changes of tehran , area 4, region11,
Abstract :
Region 11 of Theran city, as one of the twenty two regions of Tehran city, with thearea about 1200 ha and the population about 245000 person, is one of the importantcentral regions of tehran the great city. The current area of this region has been locatedon proximity of the historical core of tehran and some of its parts (the east ern parts) isa section of this core. As this regard, the region has many elements, residentalstructures and general spaces in regard of historical antiquity, with special agriculturaland historical values which it is important opter the region 12. The present study hasbeen focused on one of the four- areas (area 4) from the region 11 ،and it has beenreviewed the operational and body changes procedure of the region and the mentionedarea partiaulrely.The special characteristics of this area are the various usages and activities, thatinclude much important politics governmental centers, particular markets with overregionaand over-city operations ،the big industrial units, special usoges and specialhospitals. As well, it has been reviewed the role and eftects of the public investmentsand politics onto the operationa and body changes of the area. The reviews and studieshave been indicated that it has been provided the community changes theme as a resultof the emigration from the 1340’s, and it has been obliterated the body textures by theland cost reduction; but in recent decades, the region 11 has found the new roles aalong with the national planning, with the country inbestments in the great tehran ،andthe basic operational and body changes have been created in the are 4, along with thenational and regional activities. The research, as well as review of above changes, haveprovided som methods in the light of reduction of the regional and areal problems.