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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Intertextual analysis of the tale "the porter with girls" in the Qajar Manuscript of Thousand and One Nights, based on the Bertrand WestphalGeocriticism
        mohammad parsanasab mohammad ali rajabi bahador bagheri nafiseh alsadat abdolbaghaee
        The theory of intertextuality is one of the major discoveries of the twentieth century that investigates the network connection between the texts, and so far has proceeded the new approaches in human science and specially literature and art through various methods by ma More
        The theory of intertextuality is one of the major discoveries of the twentieth century that investigates the network connection between the texts, and so far has proceeded the new approaches in human science and specially literature and art through various methods by many researchers. In Geocriticism of Bertrand Westphal in the Post-structuralism period, as one of the important approaches of this pervasive knowledge, intertextuality deals with the importance of space, place and geography in literary-artistic works. Until now, the role of geography hasn't grown to such an extent in the formation of knowledge. Sann'y-al-Molk's Qajar Manuscript of Thousand and One Nights in Golestan palace is considered as one of the unique illustrated versions in the world which has a special intertextual position in pre-text conversations and images. This version is also in interaction with theoretical and methodological principles of Bertrand Westphal that has an important irony and interdisciplinary position in geocriticism. By considering this approach and selecting seven interwoven tales of "the porter with girls" which have been portrayed with fifteen images of pictorial narratives of Sann'y al-Molk in the mentioned version, as well as analyzing the position of intertextuality in different periods of its emergence, the present article analyses this literary-artistic work in the field of geocriticism of Westphal. Writers have paid attention to the analytical-descriptive approach and its application in analyzing the text and the figures. Qajar's Manuscript of Thousand and One Nights of Sann'y al-Molk is a polyphonic work with a human-cultural boundless geography which has been talking to us with the two layers of text and figure. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - CriticalExamination of the SurrealismSchool and ItsPrinciplesfromIslamic Perspective
        Khalil Parvini Sayyed Hossein Hosseini Gusheki
        Contemporarythoughtisinfluenced by numerous western philosophical trends and intellectualschoolsespeciallyanarchism, nihilism and dispersion. These trends and schoolsenteredthe Arabicliterature and poetry, whichare the outcomeof a communitywithdifferentcultural rootsand More
        Contemporarythoughtisinfluenced by numerous western philosophical trends and intellectualschoolsespeciallyanarchism, nihilism and dispersion. These trends and schoolsenteredthe Arabicliterature and poetry, whichare the outcomeof a communitywithdifferentcultural rootsand isin many cases in contrastwithWestern societies. The result of this cultural differenceis the emergence ofa kind of lack of identityand dualityamongthe culturalelite and thepeople, andled to the crisis of identity. This crisisespeciallyappeared in literaryschoolsthatattractedliterati and cultural layers. The surrealistschoolas one of these(Postmodern)schoolsisbased on the Western philosophical, cultural and ideological doctrines arefollowed by ourliteraticonsciously or unconsciouslywithoutknowingitsprinciplesand basic differenceswith the oriental values, or followed and promotedconsciously as a result of cultural alienationandlack of identitythatemergedaftercivilizational gap. So, the presentstudyaimsatpathology of theseintellectual and cultural differences and showingitsdefects in the light of the intellectual and literayheritageof islamiccivilization by a descriptive –analiticalapproach. Among the results of thisstudyisthatthe surrealistschoolwhichisbased on unilateralismandFreudianillapproach and materialisticpsychologicaltheoriesthatpursues to corruptall the principles and criteria, as well as ignoring the oldheritagewithoutany substitution for them,isunable to fulfillthe function of literature In the Eastern countries, and especially in Islamic countries. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Defamiliarization in the structures of BoshraBostani’spoetry; A Case study (of Synesthesia)
        Ali Baqer Taherinia Hossein Elyasi
        Synesthesiais not solelygetting out of the standard and conventionallanguage, but the poet tries to get out of the standard language and break down the standard connectionbetweendifferentsenses in order to create an impressive and effective language.Synesthesia leads to More
        Synesthesiais not solelygetting out of the standard and conventionallanguage, but the poet tries to get out of the standard language and break down the standard connectionbetweendifferentsenses in order to create an impressive and effective language.Synesthesia leads to dynamism of poetic images and itenhances the conductivityof metaphor. It isconsidered as one of the most important basics of poetryornamentations. Ornamentation of expression isachievedwhwnexistdifferent indexes. Synesthesiais one of those indexes whichornamentspoetic expression. And apoemwiththisrichness of expression descends on souls of readers. This studyfocuses on importance of synesthesia in BoshraBostani’spoetry, and itstudies the role of synesthesia on the conductivity of poetic expression. This studyisbased on descriptive- analyticalmethod and appliessemioticsmethod in order to analyse evidences in twofields of sense and sign. Poetic conversation of BoshraBostaniis not a conversation of storytelling and conductivity of expression texture, but itis a conversation that breaks down the standard language in order to createpoeticornamentation and to increaseconductivity of meanings and finally to createwonders. Synesthesia in BoshraBostani’spoetryisconsidered as a languagetoolwhichissimplyapplied to create objectification. It alsohelps to show the patriarchal society and alsocreatehope to freedom and othermeanings. Results of thisstudy shows thatsynesthesiawasused more in visual- olfactoryaspects and also in abstract and olfactory aspects and the poetdid not use synesthesia in taste- tactile and olfactory- abstract aspects. Synesthesiaisapplied by breaking down standards of adjective and name, verb and subject, determinatum and determinant and in between, synesthesia in determinatumand determinantformsis more abundant. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Magical Realism in Maden Al Malah's Abdurrahman Monif
        reza nazemian yosra shadman
        The simplest definition that can be applied to magic realism is the accumulation of reality with magic, wander, hallucination and beyond. What it implies is that magical events happen in reality in a way that makes them look like being a part of reality.Lots of writers More
        The simplest definition that can be applied to magic realism is the accumulation of reality with magic, wander, hallucination and beyond. What it implies is that magical events happen in reality in a way that makes them look like being a part of reality.Lots of writers in Arabic countries found that area really appealing. Abdul Rahman Monif  in novel like “maden Al Malah” has chosen the style of magic realism.Considering magic realism, thought, magic, illusion, hallucination, symbol, sign, Sufis and Sufism, paradoxes, critical trends, writer‘s silence and his partiality towards magical occurrences are among its element that Has been studied in this article by Analytical descriptive method.This novel has been benefited from sociological influence, political issues, cultural backgrounds and critical views. Additionally Abdul Rahman Monif was impartial toward all unrealistic events around his and he does not any judgments. And In the magical realism fiction style, the author does not react to unrealistic and imaginary incidents and he does not even provide any explanations. So the reader believes in and accepts all unrealistic incidents. Also the author has succeeded with combination of magic with reality to express what goes on inside about Political and social and economic theorems with a cash approach. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Dystopia in the ContemporaryArab City: A Reading of the Novel "Orwell in the SouthernSuburb" by FawziZebian
        Fatemeh Parchekani
        Modern Arabicliterature in general and the contemporarynovel in particular, arein their formative stagesinfluenced by social variables. The writer/authordrawshisrawmaterialfrom the humanistic-social events and uses human society as the theme and basis of the novel. Mean More
        Modern Arabicliterature in general and the contemporarynovel in particular, arein their formative stagesinfluenced by social variables. The writer/authordrawshisrawmaterialfrom the humanistic-social events and uses human society as the theme and basis of the novel. Meanwhile, apartfromimitating western art and comprehendinginevitablenecessity of urban life, the city playsa key role in this part. The use of the city in utopiaframework has an oldhistory in easternrealm, but the converse form as 'dystopia' or 'corrupt city' which is recently developingin Arabic novels including FawziZebian's'Orwell fi al-zahia al-jonubiyah' (Orwell in the Southern Suburb). The writer tries to disclose the factors that preventhuman beings from exaltationby considernghumanistic and social conditions of southernsuburb of Beirut. So, this article tries to read the mentioned novel in the light of dystopia constituents and gets information about humanistic and social factors of dystopia in the formation of FawziZebian's novel.The results show that the writer observes social conditions of southernsuburb of Beirut andits relations with the political conditions of Lebanese society and has muchdare in raisingproblemsthat are in cases dificult to deal withovertly. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Reflection of the U.S. invasion of Iraq (March 2003) in the contemporary Iraqi poetry,The poems of Boshra Al Bostani
        morteza zareberomi
        This study is an attempt to learn Iraqi war literature, based on the poetry of the Iraqi poet, Bushra Bustani, The third Gulf War took place in Iraq in 2003, And continued from 19 March to 1 May 2003, And led to the occupation of Iraq by the United States of America and More
        This study is an attempt to learn Iraqi war literature, based on the poetry of the Iraqi poet, Bushra Bustani, The third Gulf War took place in Iraq in 2003, And continued from 19 March to 1 May 2003, And led to the occupation of Iraq by the United States of America and help other countries such as Britain, Australia and some countries allied with America, Thus, the new Iraqi poetry went in two directions: The first is the silence that is heard in tears during the time of violence which we see in Crushed bodies and Cut heads and the ruins of devastated life, and the second: the resistance, which works to monitor the causes of defeat thus Requests everyone for steadfastness and challenge and urges them to jihad. This research shows the importance of these voices and their implications in the Iraqi national poetry from the perspective of the Al Bostani Poems, as one of the most important poets of the Iraqi national resistance in the face of the U.S. occupation forces. The results show that, the poet is a literary narrator and a military correspondent, the poet paints us the difficult battle and the fierce war against Iraq and reveals the secrets of war and reveals the evil ways of this war and its obvious and hidden goals. Manuscript profile