Abu Nuwas Wine Poetry: A Structural Analysis
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
1 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch
Keywords: أبونواس, رائد الشعر الخمرِی, الخمریات, مجالس الخمر, Khamriyat, Abu Nuwas, wine poetry,
Abstract :
"Khamriyat" is a term referred to poems which deal with the wine world and issues concerned with, from the consideration of form, taste, and smell to diverse cups and bowls applied to preserve or drink it. Moreover, reference to wine-drinking communities, the recollection of cup- bearers, singers,musicians, dancers, discussions on the purity of wine, its effect on human soul and body, and the ecstatic drunkenness accompanied by spiritual drunkenness are all issues elaborated in this type of poetry. No doubt, Abu Nuwas , the great Iranian poet who lived during the second century(A.D) is the forerunner of wine poetry. His outstanding privileges compared to those of his co- poets are that first, he establishes wine poetry as a poetic skill, and next he sets it as a symbolic system. Apart from the realm of poetry, he enters the realms of politics, ethics, and morality and boldly utters some unheard attitudes in a highly restricted milieu. Surely, "Khomriyat" is the mirror of the poet's era. Due to the significance of these everlasting poems, the present paper examines the structure of his poetry. The content of his poems will be discussed in another paper.
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