Comparative Study of Romance Elements in "Veis and Ramin", "Gol and Norouz" and "Jamshid and Khorshid"
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
Keywords: العشق, love, romance, types, الرومانس, الأنواع, المغامرة, سیدة المتعة, مرافق البطل, adventure, lady of pleasure, hero assistant,
Abstract :
Romance is a literary genre that seems to be tied with European literature. Western scientists first have representedits definitions, types and features. In this paper, we study three romantic poems"VeisvaRamin" (Veis and ramin),"GolvaNorouz"(“Gol and Norouz”)and “JamshidvaKhorshid” ("JamshidandKhorshid") from different poets to clarify similarities and differences infeatures of this literary genre with what western scientistshave presented for European romance. According to the fact that romance includes different types from primitive and pastor to adventure and police films and postmodernliterature. Surely, comparing Persian literatures from different centuries, some changes in dominance of some motifs are certainly recognized in some works. These motivesexpress general direction and differences of romance in Persian literature. As we can obtain from this limited project, epic and miracle features are more faded in Veis and Ramin; two other poems i.e. “Gol and Norouz” and “Jamshid and Khorshid” are more adventurous; “Veis and Ramin” is more romantic. Chivalry and hero sanctification faces that are feudalistic features can be observable in “Gol and Norouz” and in none of these works, searching for treasure and killing dragon has been considered as main purpose.
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