Examining the components of tradition and modernity in the novel 'āyene-hāye dar dār' (Lidded Mirrors)
Subject Areas : Literary criticism
Mahtab Tavakoli
Bahram Parvin
1 - Ph.D. Student in Persian Language and Literature, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Golshiri, 'āyene-hāye dar dār' (Lidded Mirrors), tradition, modernism, Modern Storytelling,
Abstract :
In identify the causes of Iranian backwardness and finding appropriate solutions to exit of this situation, modernization movements, not only in the theoretical fields but also in literature, attracted the attention of theorists. Meanwhile, there are three views to modernity in literature: one group believes that modernity is a completely Western concept and is inefficient; the second group considers it acceptable due to its Western origin; and the third group maintains a balance between tradition and modernity. Houshang Golshiri, who has extensive knowledge in Persian literature and history, is one of the representatives of the third group. This research seeks to demonstrate how Golshiri, as a modern and at the same time traditional writer, has depicted the integration of modern and traditional storytelling methods without damaging the structure of the story and has given special importance to traditional elements in contemporary literature. The study is conducted using a library method and descriptive analysis to examine the components of tradition and modernity in the novel 'āyene-hāye dar dār' (Lidded Mirrors). The results of the investigations show that the use of narrative in classical texts, pragmatism, the use of short allegorical narrative, and the use of language as a traditional aspect are some of the old narrative methods in Golshiri's stories, and the combination of traditional and modern components together indicates his special attention to the place of tradition in literature.
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